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Volledige beschrijving geselecteerd orgel
East Lansing, USA (Michigan) - Michigan State University, Alumni Memorial Chapel
Gemeente: East Lansing
Streek:Ingham County
Adres: 636 Auditorium Road, 48824, Lansing, MI
Website: https://www.music.msu.edu/

Beschrijving nr.: 2007985.

Gebouwd door: Bernard Pels & Zn. (1953) - opus 319
Vervangen door nieuwbouw (2018)

In 1953, the company Pels & Zn. installed a new organ in the Alumni Memorial Chapel of the Michigan State University in East Lansing. The organ has served for many years, but was replaced in 2018 by a new instrument.

Technische gegevens
Aantal registers per werk
- Great7
- Swell8
- Pedal4
Totaal aantal stemmen19

Great (C-c''''): Open Diapason 8', Stopped Diapason 8', Octave 4', Koppelflute 4', Quinte 2 2/3', Mixture 6 ranks (2'), Trumpet 8'.
Swell (C-c''''): Salicional 8', Rohrflute 8', Principal 4', Stopped Flute 4', Blockflute 2', Nazard 1 1/3', Scharff 4 ranks (1'), Fagot 8', Tremolo.
Pedal (C-g'): Subbas 16', Gemshorn 8', Fagot 16', Clarion 4'.
Koppelingen: Swell to Great, Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal.

Links https://www.music.msu.edu/alumni-and-friends/giving-to-music/msu-alumni-memorial-chapel-organ-renovation-project