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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof. Datation: 10 May 2019.

Photo: Bert Wisgerhof

Augsburg, Deutschland (Bayern) - Basilika Sankt Ulrich und Afra
Commune: Augsburg
Adresse: Ulrichsplatz 19, 86150, Augsburg
Site Web: https://ulrich-afra-anton.de/

Description no.: 2003618.

Bâti par: Sandtner Orgelbau (1982) - opus 94
L'orgue comprend le parent le matériel: Organ case de 1608 de Marx Günzer

1580 Eusebius Amerbach  orgue neuf
1608 Marx Günzer  conversion
1790 Johann Georg Andreas Stein  conversion
1790 Franz Joseph Wirth  conversion
1862 Joseph Bohl  expansion
1903 Heinrich Koulen & Sohn  orgue neuf dans buffet vieille
1971 Maximilian Offner  restauration
1982 Sandtner Orgelbau94 orgue neuf dans buffet vieille
1998 Sandtner Orgelbau  restauration

  • The history of the main organ in the Basilika Sankt Ulrich und Afra in Augsburg starts in 1580, when Jakob Fugger had an organ built by Eusebius Amerbach from Augsburg for the Michaelskapelle of the church, which was then still in use as Benediktinerabteikirche. This chapel was set up as a burial chapel for the Fugger family. In 1608, the organ was converted by Marx Günzer, provided with a new case and placed on a gallery on the west side of the church. The organ case was decorated with beautiful carvings by Paulus Mair and it was painted by Matthias Kager.
  • In 1790 Andreas Stein and Joseph Wirth rebuilt the organ and several new stops were placed. The organ was expanded by Joseph Bohl in 1862 with a second keyboard. In 1903, Heinrich Koulen replaced the interior with a large pneumatic organ. This was overhauled by Max Offner in 1972, but in 1981 it was demolished.
  • A new organ was built by Sandtner Orgelbau, which was completed in 1982. The old organ case from 1608 was reused and supplemented with a Rückpositiv in the same style. The pedal and the Schwellwerk are placed behind the organ case. Some stops from the previous organ were reused.
  • The organ was re-voiced by the Sandtner company in 1998. The disposition has also been slightly modified, sub- and super-octave couplers have been added and the technique of the playing aids (Setzer combinations) has been modernized.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Hauptwerk14
- Rückpositiv11
- Schwellwerk17
- Brustwerk9
- Chamadenwerk2
- Pedal15
Nombre de jeux total68
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxElectrical
Sommier(s)Slider chests
Hauteur tonalea' = 440 Hz
TempératureEqual temperament

Hauptwerk (C-a'''): Praestant 16', Principal 8', Flûte Harmonique 8', Copel 8', Gamba 8', Octave 4', Blockflöte 4', Terz 3 1/5', Quinte 2 2/3', Octave 2', Cornet 5 fach (8') (from g°), Mixtur 5 fach (1 1/3'), Cimbel 3 fach (2/3'), Trompete 8', Cimbelstern.
Rückpositiv (C-a'''): Principal 8', Rohrflöte 8', Quintade 8', Octave 4', Spitzflöte 4', Superoctave 2', Larigot 1 1/3', Sesquialter 2 fach (2 2/3'), Scharff 4 fach (1'), Dulcian 16', Cromorne 8', Tremulant.
Schwellwerk (C-a'''): Bourdon 16', Principal 8', Holzflöte 8', Salicional 8', Voix Coeleste 8' (from c°), Prèstant 4', Flûte Octaviante 4', Violine 4', Nasard 2 2/3', Octavin 2', Terz 1 3/5', Flöte 1', Mixtur 4-5 fach (2'), Fagott 16', Trompete 8', Oboe 8', Clairon 4', Tremulant.
Brustwerk (C-a'''): Holzgedeckt 8', Principal 4', Rohrflöte 4', Octave 2', Hohlflöte 2', None 8/9', Terzian 2 fach (1 3/5'+1 1/3'), Cimbel 2 fach (1/2'), Vox Humana 8', Tremulant, Glockenspiel.
Chamadenwerk (C-a'''): Chamade 16', Chamade 8'.
Pedal (C-f'):
Großpedal: Principal 32', Principal 16', Octave 8', Octave 4', Mixtur 5 fach (2 2/3'), Bombarde 32', Posaune 16', Trompete 8'.
Kleinpedal: Subbaß 16', Spielflöte 8', Nachthorn 4', Pfeiferl 2', Baßzink 5 1/3', Basson 16', Schalmey 4', Tremulant Kl-P.
Accouplements: Hauptwerk - Rückpositiv, Hauptwerk - Schwellwerk, Hauptwerk - Schwellwerk 16', Hauptwerk - Schwellwerk 4', Hauptwerk - Brustwerk, Rückpositiv - Schwellwerk, Rückpositiv - Brustwerk, Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Rückpositiv, Pedal - Schwellwerk, Pedal - Schwellwerk 4', Pedal - Brustwerk, Schwellwerk - Schwellwerk 16', Schwellwerk - Schwellwerk 4', Chamadenwerk an I. Manual, Chamadenwerk an II. Manual, Chamadenwerk an III. Manual, Chamadenwerk an IV. Manual, Chamadenwerk an Pedal.
Jouer conseils: Setzeranlage mit 3840 Kombinationen, Pleno, Tutti, Registercrescendo.

Autres données des dispositions
Autres dispositions
  • Het orgel van Amerbach uit 1580 had als dispositie (volgens het contract):
    Manual (F-a''): Principal 8', Flauttwerkh 8', Coppelbass 8', Octaf 4', Klains Verdeckht 4', Superoctaf 2', Quint', Mixtur 6 fach, Zimbelwerkh 2 fach, Busaune 8'.
    Overige registers: Herrenlen, Tremulant, Vogelgesang, Herbauckh, Ventil.

  • In 1790 luidde de dispositie (notatie Andreas Stein):
    Manual (C-c''' met kort octaaf): Principal 8', Viola di Gamba 2 fach (1790), Koppel 8', Octav 4', Waldflöte 4', Feldflöte 2 fach (2') (1790), Mixtur 6-8 fach (3') (1790), Cimbal 2 fach (1') (1790).
    Pedal (C-a met kort octaaf): Principal 2 fach (16' + 8'), Octavbaß 8', Violoncellobaß 8', Kornetbaß 6 fach (4') (1790), Trompetenbaß 8' (1790).

  • Het binnenwerk van Koulen had de volgende dispositie:
    Manual I (C-g'''): Principal 16', Bourdon 16', Principal 8', Gamba 8', Gemshorn 8', Salicional 8', Flauto Major 8', Gedackt 8', Oktav 4', Harmonieflöte 4', Fugara 4', Quint 2 2/3', Oktav 2', Kornett 5 fach (8'), Mixtur 4-6 fach (5 1/3'), Fagott 16', Trompete 8', Clairon 4'.
    Manual II (C-g'''): Lieblich Gedackt 16', Geigenprincipal 8', Traversflöte 8', Rohrflöte 8', Alpenhorn 8', Aeoline 8', Dolce 8', Quintatön 8', Prestant 4', Flauto Dolce 4', Quinte 2 2/3', Piccolo 2', Progressivharmonika 4 fach (2 2/3'), Englischer Horn 8', Clarinette 8'.
    Manual III (C-g''', uitgebouwd tot g''''): Salicional 16', Principal 8', Konzertflöte 8', Gedackt 8', Gamba 8', Vox Coelestis 8', Fernflöte 8', Traversflöte 4', Violine 4', Gemshorn 4', Quintflöte 2 2/3', Flageolette 2', Terz 1 3/5', Fagott 16', Trompette Harmonique 8', Oboe 8'.
    Hogedrukwerk: Flauto Major 8', Principal 4', Quintatön 4', Trompete 8' (bespeelbaar vanaf III).
    Fernwerk: Bourdon 8', Salizet 8', Aeoline 8', Alpenhorn 8', Trompete 8', Vox Humana 8' (bespeelbaar vanaf III).
    Pedal (C-g'): Kontraprincipal 32', Principal 16', Violon 16', Dolce 16', Subbaß 16', Stillgedackt 16', Flóte 8', Cello 8', Gedackt 8', Oktavflöte 4', Kontratuba 32', Posaune 16', Trompete 8', Clairon 4'.
    Koppelingen: Manual I - Manual II, Manual I - Manual III, Manual I - Manual III super, Manual I - Manual III sub, Manual I - Hogedrukwerk, Manual I - Hogedrukwerk super, Manual I - Hogedrukwerk sub, Manual II - Manual III, Manual II - Hogedrukwerk, Manual II - Hogedrukwerk sub, Manual II - Hogedrukwerk super, Manual II - Fernwerk, Manual II - Fernwerk sub, Manual II - Fernwerk super, Pedal - Manual I, Pedal - Manual II, Pedal - Manual III, Pedal - Hogedrukwerk, Pedal - Hogedrukwerk sub, Pedal - Hogedrukwerk super.
    Speelhulpen: Tremulant, 3 vrije combinaties.

  • De dispositie luidde in 1982:
    Hauptwerk: Praestant 16', Principal 8', Flöte 8', Gamba 8', Nasard 5 1/3', Octave 4', Blockflöte 4', Terz 3 1/5', Quinte 2 2/3', Octave 2', Grand Cornet 5 fach, Mixtur 5-6 fach, Cimbel 3 fach, Trompeta Magna 16' - horizontaal, Trompete 8', Clairon 4' - horizontaal, Cimbelstern.
    Rückpositiv: Principal 8', Rohrflöte 8', Quintade 8', Octave 4', Spitzflöte 4', Feldpfeife 2', Larigot 1 1/3', Cornett 3 fach, Scharff 4 fach (1'), Dulcian 16', Cromorne 8', Tremulant.
    Schwellwerk: Bourdon 16', Principal 8', Flöte 8', Salicional 8', Voix Celeste 8', Praestant 4', Traversflöte 4', Violine 4', Nasard 2 2/3', Flachflöte 2', Terz 1 3/5', None 8/9', Mixtur 4-5 fach (2'), Basson 16', Trompette Harmonique 8', Hautbois 8', Clairon 4', Tremulant.
    Brustwerk (met zweldeuren): Holzgedeckt 8', Bourdon 8', Principal 4', Rohrflöte 4', Octave 2', Sifflöte 1', Terzian 2 fach, Cimbel 2 fach, Regal 16', Voix Humaine 8', Tremulant.
    Pedal: Principal 32', Principal 16', Subbass 16', Octave 8', Spielflöte 8', Octave 4', Nachthorn 4', Pfeiferl 2', Basszink 4 fach, Mixtur 5 fach, Grand Bombarde 32', Posaune 16', Basson 16', Trompete 8', Schalmey 4', Tremulant - Voor 'Kleinpedal'.
    Koppelingen: Hauptwerk - Rückpositiv, Hauptwerk - Schwellwerk, Hauptwerk - Brustwerk, Rückpositiv - Brustwerk, Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Rückpositiv, Pedal - Schwellwerk, Pedal - Schwellwerk 4', Pedal - Brustwerk.
    Speelhulpen: 8 freie Kombinationen (1 teilbar), Plenum, Mixturen an/ab, Zungen an/ab, Generalkoppel.

  • Historische Orgeln in Schwaben / Hermann Fischer, Theodor Wohnhaas. - München ; Zürich : Verlag Schnell & Steiner, 1982. - (Veröffentlichtung der Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde ; 94).
  • Orgeln in Schwaben / Georg Brenninger. - München : Bruckmann, 1986.
Enregistrements Sämtliche 10 Orgelsymphonien, vol.3 - Charles-Marie Widor : Symphonie no.4 en no.5 / Odile Pierre. - IFO CD 00130 (CD). - 1994.
Lièns http://www.sandtner-orgelbau.de/index.php?id=88
Photo: Giel Daems. Datation: June 2000.
Photo: Giel Daems
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof. Datation: 10 May 2019.
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof
Photo: Giel Daems. Datation: 28 September 2016.
Photo: Giel Daems
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof. Datation: 10 May 2019.
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof. Datation: 10 May 2019.
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof. Datation: 10 May 2019.
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof. Datation: 10 May 2019.
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof. Datation: 10 May 2019.
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof. Datation: 10 May 2019.
Photo: Bert Wisgerhof
Photo: Giel Daems. Datation: 28 September 2016.
Photo: Giel Daems
Photo: Giel Daems. Datation: 28 September 2016.
Photo: Giel Daems
Photo: Giel Daems. Datation: 28 September 2016.
Photo: Giel Daems
Photo: Giel Daems. Datation: 28 September 2016.
Photo: Giel Daems