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Complete description of the selected organ
Glasgow, United Kingdom (Strathclyde) - City Hall
Municipal: Glasgow

Description nr.: 2003555.

Built by: Gray & Davison (1853)
Demolished (1905)

1853 Gray & Davison  new organ
1855 Gray & Davison  enlargement
1876 Gray & Davison  restoration and enlargement

Gray Davison built an organ for the City Hall in Glasgow in 1853, which was completed two years later. In 1876 the instrument was improved and modified by them. The company T.C. Lewis & Co. supplied a new organ for the building in 1905.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Great15
- Choir13
- Swell16
- Solo7
- Pedal6
Total number of stops57
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Great: Double Diapason 16', Open Diapason 8', Viola 8', Flute Harmonique 8', Stopped Diapason 8', Octave 4', Flute Octaviante 4', Flute d'Amour 4', Twelfth 2 2/3', Fifteenth 2', Sifflöte 1', Mixture 4 ranks, Furniture 3 ranks, Posaune 8', Clarion 4'.
Choir: Lieblich Gedackt 16', Open Diapason 8', Salicional 8', Voix Celeste 8', Stopped Diapason Bass 8' (C-B), Clarionet Flute 8', Octave 4', Flute 4', Celestina 4', Fifteenth 2', Sesquialtera 3 ranks, Trumpet 8', Corno di Bassetto 8'.
Swell: Bourdon 16', Open Diapason 8', Keraulophon 8', Stopped Diapason Bass 8' (C-B), Clarionet Flute 8', Octave 4', Flute 4', Fifteenth 2', Flageolet 2', Sesquialtera 3 ranks, Mixture 2 ranks, Contra Fagotto 16', Cornopean 8', Oboe 8', Voix Humaine 8', Clarion 4', Tremulant.
Solo: Flute Harmonique 8', Flute Octaviante 4', Piccolo 2', Clarionet 8', Orchestral Oboe 8', Tromba 8', Carillons.
Pedal: Contra Bourdon 32', Open Diapason 16', Bourdon 16', Principal 8', Violoncello 8', Bombarde 16'.
Couplers: Choir to Great, Swell to Great, Swell to Great Suboctave, Swell to Great Octave, Solo to Great, Solo to Swell, Great to Pedal, Choir to Pedal, Swell to Pedal, Solo to Pedal.
Accessories: 8 combinatiepedalen, Storm pedal.

Other specifications
Different specifications C.A. Edwards mentions an organ by T.C. Lewis in the Public Hall, built under the advice of William Thomas Best and Henry Smart. The specification was:
Great Organ (C-c''''):
Front Great Organ: Double Open Diapason 16', Open Diapason (Large) 8', Open Diapason (Small) 8', Rohr Flöte 8', Octave 4', Twelfth 2 2/3', Fifteenth 2', Sexquialtera 4 ranks, Trumpet 8'.
Back Great Organ: Bourdon 16', Viola 8', Hohl Flöte 8', Harmonic Flute 4', Octave Viola 4', Mixture 5 ranks, Double Trumpet 16', Trombone 8', Clarion 4'.
Swell Organ (C-c''''): Bourdon 16', Open Diapason 8', Spitz Flöte 8', Viol di Gamba 8', Voix Celeste 8', Flauto Dolce 8', Octave 4', Swabe Flute 4', Nazard 2 2/3', Fifteenth 2', Full Mixture 4 ranks, Echo Dulciana Cornet 6 ranks, Contra Fagotto 16', Trumpet 8', Cornopean 8', Oboe 8', Clarion 4', Tremulant.
Solo Organ (C-c''''): Harmonic Flute 8', Octave Flute 4', Tuba 8', Tromba 8', Cor Anglais 8', Oboe 8', Clarionet 8'.
Choir Organ (C-c''''): Lieblich Bourdon 16', Violin Diapason 8', Dulciana 8', Flauto Traverso 8', Lieblich Gedact 8', Lieblich Flute 4', Gemshorn 4', Piccolo 2', Vox Humana 8', Clarionet 8', Tremulant.
Pedal Organ (C-f'): Double Open Diapason 32', Open Diapason (Wood) 16', Open Diapason (Metal) 16', Violin Dulciana 16', Quint 10 2/3', Octave 8', Violoncello 8', Grave Mixture 2 ranks, Trombone 16', Contra Fagotto 16', Trumpet 8', Clarion 4'.
Literature Organs and organ building : A treatise on the history and construction of the organ from it's origin to the present day with important specifications / C.A. Edwards. - London : "The Bazaar", 1881.