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Complete description of the selected organ
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 10 December 2015.

Photo: Michiel van 't Einde

Roelofarendsveen, Nederland (Zuid-Holland) - Sint Petrus-Bandenkerk
Municipal: Kaag en Braassem
Address: Noordeinde 187, 2371 CR, Roelofarendsveen
Website: https://rkgroenehart.nl/

Description nr.: 1006877.

Built by: L. Ypma & Co. (1856)
The organ contains older material: Pipes from 1778 by Pieter Stants

1778 Pieter Stants  new organ
1856 L. Ypma & Co.  transfer/relocate
1914 firma Jos H. Vermeulen  rebuild
1969 firma Jos H. Vermeulen  transfer/relocate
1987 Flentrop Orgelbouw  maintenance/reparations
2014 Adema's Kerkorgelbouw  restoration

  • The organ in the Sint-Petruskerk in Roelofarendsveen is an old instrument, which, according to a contract from 1778, was delivered in that year by the organ builder Pieter Stans. In 1854-1856 the church building was replaced by a new church in gothic revival style. The organ was probably transferred to this church by the company Ypma. However, a new organ may also have been built using the old pipework. It was placed on a balustrade on the west side of the church.
  • In 1914 it was decided to move the instrument to a new gallery in the transept of the church. The company Jos H. Vermeulen (L. Ypma & Co.) completely rebuilt the organ. In fact, a new organ was built in the old case, with pneumatic action, several new stops and a new free-standing console. During the conversion, the organ case was split into two parts, which could be placed on either side of the window. The pedal, that had been attached until then has been replaced by an independent pedal with a permanently speaking Bourdon 16'. It is not clear whether the relocation to the transept has been carried out.
  • In 1957 the organ was inspected by Vermeulen and three restoration proposals were made. It was noted that the organ was mainly located in the tower of the church. But the organ was converted to pneumatics in 1914.
  • The neo-Gothic church was demolished in 1968 and replaced by a smaller modern church. The organ was transferred by Jos Vermeulen. The layout of the interior has been modified. Since 1914, the swell was behind the main work. Now the two works were placed on top of each other, which would require a shallower organ case. The facade has also been aktered. The neo-Gothic structure was completely removed. The case was placed on a brick substructure and painted in light colours. A real independent pedal was now constructed with three registers. Bernard Bartelink, who also played the organ during the inauguration on September 22, 1969, was the consultant during the work.
  • In 1987 the company Flentrop cleaned the organ. In 2014 the organ was restored by the company Adema. The organ case has been modified, by installing it on a matching wooden lower case, and the entire case and the console are painted in oak imitation.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manuaal I10
- Manuaal II (in zwelkast)9
- Pedaal3
Total number of stops22
Key actionElectropneumatic
Stop actionElectropneumatic
Windchest(s)Cone chests

Manuaal I (C-g'''): Bourdon 16', Praestant 8', Holpijp 8', Octaaf 4', Roerfluit 4', Quint 2 2/3', Octaaf 2', Cornet III sterk, Mixtuur III-V sterk, Trompet 8'.
Manuaal II (in zwelkast) (C-g'''): Viola di Gamba 8', Vox Coelestis 8', Bourdon 8', Praestant 4', Fluit 4', Nasard 2 2/3', Woudfluit 2', Scherp III sterk, Basson-Hobo 8'.
Pedaal (C-f'): Subbas 16', Octaafbas 8', Gedekt 8'.
Couplers: Manuaal I - Manuaal II, Pedaal - Manuaal I, Pedaal - Manuaal II, Manuaal II Grave.
Accessories: 1 vrije combinatie.

Other specifications
Different specifications According to the contract, the organ by Pieter Stans form 1778 had the following stop list:
Hoofdwerk: Bourdon 16', Prestant 8', Roerfluit 8', Woudfluit 4', Fluit 4', Quint 3', Octaaf 2', Cornet III sterk (3').
Bovenwerk: Holpijp 8', Viool de Gamba 8' (discant), Prestant 4', Gemshoorn 2', Sifflet 1', Vox Humana 8'.
Pedaal: Aangehangen.
Speelhulpen: 2 koppelingen, Tremulant, Ventiel, 2 Zijsluitingen.
  • Orgelinhuldigingen : Nederland. - In: De Praestant, jrg. 19 nr. 4, november 1970.
  • Het historische orgel in Nederland 1479 - 1725 / dr. Hans van Nieuwkoop (eindred.). - Amsterdam : Stichting NIvO, 1997. - (Encyclopedie Het Historische Orgel in Nederland ; 1).
Other sources
  • Tom van der Meer, archivaris

Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 10 December 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 10 December 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 10 December 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 10 December 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 10 December 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 10 December 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 10 December 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 10 December 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 10 December 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
oude kleurstelling. Photo: B.Chr. Scheffers. Date: voor 2014.
Photo: B.Chr. Scheffers
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 10 December 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 10 December 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde