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List of found organs

There are 56 organs found that correspond with your search criteria.
The number of displayed organs is 6.
Meaning letters second column: s=stoplist, p=photo, f=former location.

1 - 50

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Organ nr. TownBuildingBuilder
2000232 fRouenOrgue de Résidence du Albert DupréCavaillé-Coll, Aristide (1896 - 1945)
2028008 RouenParc Instrumental de Haute NormandieDupont, Jean-François (1988)I/4
2028002 sRouenPensionnat Saint Jean-Baptiste-de-la-Salle, ChapelleMichel-Merklin & Kuhn (1907)II/P/14
2028005 sRouenSoeurs du Sacré-Coeur d'Ernemont, ChapelleKrischer, Hubert (1880)II/P/21
2000766 spRouenTemple Saint-Éloi (Église Réformée)Lefebure, Charles (1734)IV/P/38
2028009 RouenThéatre des ArtsManufacture Lorraine des Grandes Orgues Haerpfer & Erman (1963)II/P/14

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