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List of found organs

There are 283 organs found that correspond with your search criteria.
The number of displayed organs is 3.
Meaning letters second column: s=stoplist, p=photo, f=former location.

231 - 280 1 - 50 | 69 - 118 | 140 - 189 | 209 - 258
281 - 330

Click on the organ number to display all available information.
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Organ nr. TownBuildingBuilder
1010044 ZwartemeerSint Antoniuskerk 
1007544 spZwartemeerVerrijzeniskerkBakker & Timmenga (1982)I/p/5
1001361 spZweelooHervormde KerkProper, Jan (1904)I/p/7

231 - 280 281 - 330
1 - 50 | 69 - 118 | 140 - 189 | 209 - 258