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Complete description of the selected organ
Photo: Frans Sellies. Date: 18 February 2024.

Photo: Frans Sellies

Teguise, España (Islas Canarias) - Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Municipal: Teguise
Region:Lanzarote, Islas Canarias
Address: Plaza la Constitución, 35530, Teguise

Description nr.: 2078611.

Built by: Builder unknown ()

  Builder unknown  new organ
1915 Juan Martín Armas  transfer/relocate
1925 Don Amador López  restoration

  • The Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe in Teguise was initially built in the fifteenth century. Over time, the building has been significantly enlarged and renovated. In 1909 a major fire broke out. After restoration, the church could be consecrated again in 1914. An old organ was donated to the church in 1915 by the bishop, from a church in Gáldar. Juan Martín Armas placed it in the church. The instrument was restored in 1925 by Don Amador López.
  • The organ may date from the seventeenth century, and was converted in the eighteenth century. Little else is certain about the history.

Links https://historiadeteguise.com/2016/07/24/presentacion-de-las-obras-de-restauracion-del-organo-de-la-iglesia-de-na-sra-de-guadalupe/
Other sources
  • Frans Sellies

Photo: Frans Sellies. Date: 18 February 2024.
Photo: Frans Sellies
Photo: Frans Sellies. Date: 18 February 2024.
Photo: Frans Sellies
Photo: Frans Sellies. Date: 18 February 2024.
Photo: Frans Sellies
Photo: Frans Sellies. Date: 18 February 2024.
Photo: Frans Sellies
Photo: Frans Sellies. Date: 18 February 2024.
Photo: Frans Sellies
Photo: Frans Sellies. Date: 18 February 2024.
Photo: Frans Sellies