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Complete description of the selected organ
Söllheim, Österreich (Salzburg) - Schlosskapelle hl. Antonius von Padua
Municipal: Hallwang
Address: Hallwanger Landesstraße, 5300, Söllheim

Description nr.: 2078596.

Built by: Andreas Schwarz (1728)

1728 Andreas Schwarz  new organ
1898 Sebastian Konrad  rebuild
  Johann Pieringer  reconstruction
  Olivije Repec  reconstruction

In the church in Söllheim there is a historical positive from the eighteenth century. It was manufactured in 1728 by Andreas Schwarz. Sebastian Konrad replaced the original keyboard with a short octave by a new chromatic keyboard. He also installed pulldown pedals. The instrument originally stood in a church in Eichberg an der Lafnitz in Styria. It was installed in Söllheim in 1962. It was very dilapidated and many parts were missing. It was reconstructed to the original situation by Johann Pieringer in collaboration with Olivije Repec. The organ stood behind the altar from 1962, but has now also been given a better place in the church.

Short list of all locations the organ has been
Eichberg an der Lafnitz
1962SöllheimKatholische Pfarrkirche hl. Antonius von Padua

Manual (CDEFGA-c'''): Coppel 8', Flöte 4', Principal 2', Zimbel 3 fach (1').

Links https://www.orgelbau-pieringer.at/projekte/restaurierung/11-projekte/restaurierungen/16-soellheim