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Complete description of the selected organ
Guanzate, Italia (Como) - Santuario Beata Vergine di San Lorenzo, Chiesa di Immacolata
Municipal: Como
Address: Via Padre Eusebio Pozzi, 22070, Guanzate
Website: http://www.santuariodiguanzate.org/

Description nr.: 2078494.

Built by: Pietro Bernasconi (1885)
The organ contains older material: Pipes from 1840 by Giuseppe Alchisio

1885 Pietro Bernasconi  new organ
2010 Colzani Organi  restoration

Pietro Bernasconi built a new organ in 1885 for the church of the Santuario Beate Vergine di San Lorenzo in Guanzate. He partly used material from the previous organ, which was built in 1839-1840 by Giuseppe Alchisio. Over time, a wind motor was installed and some registers were adjusted. The organ was restored in the years 2008-2010 by Ilic Colzani. On May 8, 2010 it was officially put back into use with a concert by Giancarlo Parodi.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Tastiera16
- Pedaliera1
Total number of stops17
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests
Pitcha' = 435 Hz
TemperamentEqual temperament
Wind pressure48 mm

Tastiera (C-a''', division between cis'/d'): Principale 8' (B/D), Principale II 8' (B/D (c°-a''')), Flauto Traverso 8' (D), Voce Umana 8' (D), Ottava 4' (B/D), Flauto in Ottava 4' (D), Violoncello 4' (B), Violino 4' (D), Viola 4' (B), Flauto in XII 2 2/3' (D), Quintadecima 2' (B/D), Ottavino 2' (D), Decimanona 1 1/3', Vigesima Seconda 1', Vigesima Sesta e Vigesima Nona 2/3'+1/2'', Trigesima Terza e Trigesima Sesta 1/3'+1/4'', Corno Inglese 16' (D), Trombe 8' (D), Fagotto di Concerto 8' (B).
Pedaliera (C-g°): Contrabbassi e Ottava 16'+8' (C-B).
Other stops: Timpanone.
Couplers: Terza Mano.

Literature "Tutti i suoni della creazione" : Numero speciale in occasione del restauro dell'organo "Pietro Bernasconi" 1885 nel Santuario di Guanzate. - Vivere Insieme, Maggio 2010.