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Complete description of the selected organ
Genève, Die Schweiz / La Suisse (Genève) - Église Évangélique de la Pélisserie
Municipal: Genève
Address: Rue de la Pélisserie 20, 1204, Genève
Website: https://eglisepelisserie.ch/

Description nr.: 2076444.

Built by: Gebrüder Walpen (ca. 1830)

ca. 1830 Gebrüder Walpen  new organ
1939 Builder unknown  transfer/relocate
1974 François Mingot  restoration

The organ in the Église Évangélique de la Pélisserie in Geneva is a small organ, with three registers and no pedal. It is attributed to the Gebrüder Walpen and was built between 1820 and 1830. The original location is unknown. The organ was placed in the church in 1939. François Mingot carried out a restoration in 1974.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manual3
Total number of stops3
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Manual (C-c'''): Principal 8' (c°-c'''), Flûte 8' (c°-c'''), Bourdon 8' (C-B), Prestant 4'.