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Complete description of the selected organ
Hadamar, Deutschland (Hessen) - Evangelische Schlosskirche
Municipal: Hadamar
Address: Gymnasiumstraße 4, 65589, Hadamar
Website: https://ev-kirche-hadamar.ekhn.de/

Description nr.: 2075063.

Built by: Günter Hardt (1971)
The organ contains older material: Organ case from 1773? by Builder unknown

1773 Builder unknown  new organ
1786 Georg Friedrich Zimmermann  maintenance/reparations
1880 Gustav Raßmann  new organ in old case
1971 Günter Hardt  new organ in old case
1993 Günter Hardt  maintenance/reparations

  • The Schlosskirche in Hadamar was part of Johann Ludwig's castle. The church was built in 1629-1630. Johann Jacob Keller built a six-stop organ for this church. The building was originally used for Roman Catholic celebrations. The organ was placed on the lower gallery. In 1786, after a repair by Georg Friedrich Zimmermann, organ builder in Diez, it was moved to the upper gallery.
  • The church was donated to the Evangelisch Reformierte Kirche in 1791. This congregation received a new organ in 1773, which was donated by Wilhelm V found Nassau-Oranien. This organ was probably already placed in the Schlosskirche at that time, instead of Keller's old instrument. In that case, it must have been this second organ that was relocated in 1786. The organ had nineteen stops (note from 1864). It is also possible that the actual organ case was manufactured by Zimmermann in 1786.
  • Gustav Raßmann built a new organ in the old case in 1880. This was much smaller than the old one which is odd. The note from 1864 may be incorrect. The Raßmann organ had nine stops. In 1967 it was in poor condition. It was decided to have a new organ built behind the historic front by Günter Hardt. Only the Prinzipal 4' from 1880, which stands in the front, has been preserved. The rest of the organ is newly made. Some of Raßmann's registers have been donated to the church in Wallmerod, where they were used in the construction of a new organ. Hans Brendel was the consultant. The new organ was inaugurated on July 25, 1971 with a concert by Martin Weyer.
  • The organ has been cleaned and renovated several times after restoration works in the church building. In 1993, the pedal mechanics were renewed.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- I. Manual7
- II. Manual4
- Pedal4
Total number of stops15
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

I. Manual (C-g'''): Hohlpfeife 8', Prinzipal 4' - 1880, Flöte 4', Salicional 2', Oktave 2', Quinte 1 1/3', Mixtur 3 fach (1 1/3').
II. Manual (C-g'''): Gemshorn 8', Koppelflöte 4', Waldflöte 2', Tertianscharf 3-4 fach.
Pedal (C-f'): Subbaß 16', Offenbaß 8', Nachthorn 4', Trompete 8'.
Other stops: Zimbelstern.
Couplers: I. Manual - II. Manual, Pedal - I. Manual, Pedal - II. Manual.
Accessories: Tremulant (Manuale).

Other specifications
Different specifications The stop list of the Raßmann organ was:
Manual: Prinzipal 8', Gedeckt 8', Salicional 8', Oktave 4', Gedeckt 4', Doublette 3'+2', Geigenprinzipal 8' (2'?).
Pedal: Subbass 16', Offenbass 8'.
Literature Die Orgel der Evangelischen Schlosskirche Hadamar und ihre Orgeln / Martin Buschmann. - PDF-Document.
Links https://ev-kirche-hadamar.ekhn.de/startseite/musik/unsere-orgeln/orgel-hadamar.html