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Charlotte NC, USA (North-Carolina) - Dilworth United Methodist Church, Chapel Organ
Gemeente: Charlotte NC
Streek:Mecklenburg County
Adres: 605 East Boulevard, 28203, Charlotte, NC
Website: https://www.dilworthchurch.org/

Beschrijving nr.: 2074797.

Gebouwd door: M.P. Möller Company (1960) - opus 9456

Technische gegevens
Aantal registers per werk
- Great8
- Swell6
- Pedal6
Totaal aantal stemmen20 (3)

Great: Diapason 8', Gedeckt 8', Viola 8', Octave 4', Flute 4', Viola 4', Twelfth 2 2/3', Fifteenth 2', Chimes - prepared for.
Swell: Gedeckt 8', Viola 8', Flute 4', Viola 4', Nazard 2 2/3', Flautino 2', Tremolo.
Pedal: Bourdon 16', Gedeckt 8', Viola 8', Quint 5 1/3', Octave 4', Flute 4'.
Koppelingen: Swell to Great.
Speelhulpen: Expression Pedal.

Literatuur Pipe Organs of Charlotte / John Apple. - Charlotte NC : John Apple, 1985.