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Complete description of the selected organ
Ahlen (Westfalen), Deutschland (Nordrhein-Westfalen) - Sankt-Franziskus-Hospital, Kapelle
Municipal: Ahlen (Westfalen)
Address: Robert-Koch-Straße 55, 59227, Ahlen
Website: https://www.sfh-ahlen.de/

Description nr.: 2073068.

Built by: Electronic Organ (2015)

There was a small pipe organ in the chapel of the hospital in Ahlen. This was replaced in 2015 by a new electronic organ with 26 registers. This instrument was dedicated on August 15, 2015. It was played on this occasion by Winfried Appel. The old organ was relocated hereafter to the Sankt Bartholomäuskirche, where it serves as a choir organ.

Literature An neuer Orgel im Krankenhaus alle Register gezogen : Einweihung / Maria Kessing. - In: Ahlener Tageblatt, 17. August 2015.