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Complete description of the selected organ
Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 30 September 2021.

Photo: Piet Bron

Göteborg, Sverige (Västra Götalands län) - Christinae Kyrka (Tyska kyrkan) - Christinenkirche, Clavi-Organum
Municipal: Göteborgs Kommun
Region:Västergötland, Göteborg og Bohus
Address: Viktoriagatan 20, 411 25, Göteborg

Description nr.: 2071231.

Built by: Builder unknown ()

In September 2021, in the Christinae Kyrka in Gothenburg stood a 'Clavi-Organum', a combination of a clavichord and a pipe organ. This instrument was used for concerts together with a small orchestra. It is possible that it is privately owned, and is only temporarily placed in the church.

Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 8 September 2021.
Photo: Piet Bron
Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 30 September 2021.
Photo: Piet Bron
Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 30 September 2021.
Photo: Piet Bron
Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 30 September 2021.
Photo: Piet Bron
Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 30 September 2021.
Photo: Piet Bron
Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 30 September 2021.
Photo: Piet Bron
Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 8 September 2021.
Photo: Piet Bron