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Complete description of the selected organ
Photo: Ulf Klingström. Date: 5 June 2014.

Photo: Ulf Klingström

Kungsängen, Sverige (Stockholms län) - Kungsängens Kyrka

Forwarded from: Stockholms-Näs - Stockholms-Näs Kyrka (1832 - 1967)

Municipal: Upplands-Bro Kommun
Address: Kyrkvägen 35, 196 30, Kungsängen

Description nr.: 2070506.

Built by: Ålems Orgelverkstad (2019)
The organ contains older material: Organ case from 1832 by Pehr Zacharias Strand

1832 Pehr Zacharias Strand  new organ
1920 Furtwängler & Hammer  new organ in old case
2019 Ålems Orgelverkstad  new organ in old case

  • The village of Kungsängen originally had the name Näs, and to distinguish it from other villages with the same name in Sweden the name was changed to Stockholms-Näs in 1886. The railway station had the name Kungsängen since 1876. As of February 3, 1967, the names of the village and church have also been changed to Kungsängen.
  • An organ was placed in the church in 1832 by Pehr Zacharias Strand. In 1920, this has been replaced by a new pneumatic organ, built by Furtwängler & Hammer. Behind the facade of Strand, a new organ was built in 2019 by Ålems Orgelverkstad.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Huvudverk9
- Svällverk9
- Pedal4
Total number of stops22
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Huvudverk: Principal 8', Gedackt 8', Fugara 8', Oktava 4', Flöjt 4', Quinta 3', Oktava 2', Mixtur 3 chor, Trumpet 8'.
Svällverk: Vox Retusa 8', Flauto Fistula 8', Salicional 8', Salicional-Piffaro 8', Principal 4', Spetsflöjt 4', Waldflöjt 2', Cornett 2 chor, Oboe 8', Tremulant.
Pedal: Subbas 16', Violoncell 8', Oktava 4', Basun 16'.
Couplers: Huvudverk - Svällverk, Huvudverk - Svällverk 16', Pedal - Huvudverk, Pedal - Svällverk.

Other specifications
Different specifications The specification of the Furtwängler & Hammer organ was:
Manual I: Gedackt 16', Principal 8', Flûte Harmonique 8', Gamba 8', Oktava 4', Dolce 4', Rauschkvint 2 2/3'+2', Cornett 3-4 chor, Trumpet 8'.
Manual II: Gemshorn 8', Salicional 8', Stillgedackt 8', Eolin 8', Voix Céleste 8', Viola d'Amore 4', Ekoflöjt 4'.
Pedal: Subbas 16', Gedacktbas 16' (transmission), Principalbas 8', Cello 8' (transmission).
Literature Sveriges kyrkorglar / Sten L. Carlsson. - Lund : Håkan Ohlssons, 1973.
Links https://alemsorgel.se/2021/kungsangens-kyrka-2019/