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Complete description of the selected organ
Linköping, Sverige (Östergötlands län) - Katedralskolan, Aula
Municipal: Linköpings Kommun
Address: Platensgatan 20, 582 20, Linköping
Website: https://www.linkoping.se/forskola-och-utbildning/gymnasieskola/kommunala-gymnasieskolor/katedralskolan/

Description nr.: 2070253.

Built by: E.A. Setterquist & Son (1916)
The organ contains older material: Organ case from 1850 by Sven Nordström

1850 Sven Nordström  new organ
1916 E.A. Setterquist & Son  new organ in old case

Sven Nordström built an organ for the Läroverk in Linköping in 1850. In 1915 this school moved to a new building, and the name has been Katedralskola since. The organ was moved to the Aula (auditorium) of the new building, but it has been thoroughly renovated. Only the prospect is still from Nordström. The new instrument was built in 1916 by the firm of Setterquist & Son. It has ten registers.