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Complete description of the selected organ
Essingen (Pfalz), Deutschland (Rheinland-Pfalz) - Katholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Sebastian und Agatha (Unteressingen)
Municipal: Essingen (Pfalz)
Website: https://www.st-augustinus-landau.de/

Description nr.: 2069533.

Built by: Winfried Albiez (1983)

Winfried Albiez built a new organ for the parish church in Unteressingen in 1982-1983. It could be paid for thanks to a bequest from Alfons Messemer, former organist of the parish. It replaced an older organ that was no longer playable.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Hauptwerk5
- Brustschwellwerk5
- Pedal3
Total number of stops13
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Hauptwerk (C-g'''): Prinzipal 8', Oktave 4', Quinte 2 2/3', Terz 1 3/5', Mixtur 4 fach (1 1/3').
Brustschwellwerk (C-g'''): Gedackt 8', Koppelflöte 4', Prinzipal 2', Sifflöte 1 1/3', Schalmei 8'.
Pedal (C-f'): Subbass 16', Rohrbordun 8', Choralbass 4'.
Couplers: Hauptwerk - Brustschwellwerk, Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Brustschwellwerk.

Literature Die Orgeln des Kreises Südliche Weinstraße / Bernhard H. Bonkhoff. - In: Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für mittelrheinische Musikgeschichte, Sonderheft - Juni 2012.