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Complete description of the selected organ
Photo: Håkan Dahlén. Source: Härnösands stifts orgelinventering. Date: 2 March 2018.

Photo: Håkan Dahlén

Source: Härnösands stifts orgelinventering

Borgsjö (Ånge), Sverige (Västernorrlands län) - Borgsjö Kyrka
Municipal: Ånge Kommun

Description nr.: 2069381.

Built by: Gustaf Hagström (1970)
The organ contains older material: Organ case from 1771 by Petter Qvarnström

1771 Petter Qvarnström  new organ
1855 Johan Gustaf Ek  rebuild
1914 Åkerman & Lund  new organ in old case
1946 Åkerman & Lund  modify stoplist
1970 Gustaf Hagström  new organ in old case

  • In 1771 Petter Qwarnström built an organ for Borgsjö Kyrka in Medelpad. The beautiful case of this organ has been preserved. The organ itself was converted and expanded in 1855 by Johan Gustaf Ek. But it was demolished in 1914 and replaced by a new instrument from Åkerman & Lund, which was delivered in december 1914. The same company carried out an overhaul in 1945-1946. They modified the disposition. At the Huvudverk, the Gamba 8' was altered to an Oktava 2', and the Borduna 16' was replaced by a Mixtur. At the Svällverk, the Bassethorn 8' was changed to a Principal 4' and the Violin 8' to a Kvinta 2 2/3'. The Voix Celeste was replaced by a Waldflöjt 2'. A new transmission from the Oktava 4' of the Huvudverk was placed on the pedal as Koralbas.
  • The current organ was built in 1970 by Gustaf Hagström. It is a mechanical organ with 21 registers. Probably the Oboe 8' of the Svällverk was installed in later years, replacing a Krummhorn.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Huvudverk8
- Svällverk7
- Pedal6
Total number of stops21
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Huvudverk (C-g'''): Gemshorn 8', Gedakt 8', Principal 4', Koppelflöjt 4', Waldflöjt 2', Sesquialtera 2 chor, Mixtur 4 chor (2'), Dulcian 16'.
Svällverk (C-g'''): Rörflöjt 8', Nachthorn 4', Kvintadena 4', Principal 2', Larigot 1 1/3', Scharf 3 chor, Oboe 8', Tremulant.
Pedal (C-f'): Subbas 16', Principal 8', Rörgedackt 8', Oktava 4', Rörpommer 2', Fagott 16'.
Couplers: Huvudverk - Svällverk, Pedal - Huvudverk, Pedal - Svällverk.
Accessories: 4 fria kombinationer.

Other specifications
Different specifications
  • The specification of the Åkerman & Lund organ (1914) was:
    Huvudverk: Borduna 16', Principal 8', Gamba 8', Flute Harmonique 8', Oktava 4', Trumpet 8'.
    Svällverk: Bassethorn 8', Salicional 8', Rörflöjt 8', Violin 8', Voix Celeste 8', Flute Oktaviante 4'.
    Pedal: Subbas 16', Violoncell 8' (transmission).
    Koppel: Manual I - Manual II, Manual i - Manual I 4' (from g°), Manual II - Manual II 16', Pedal - Manual I, Pedal - Manual II.
    4 fria kombinationer i Manual I, 3 fria kombinationer i Manual II, 3 fasta kombinationer (p - mf - tutti), Registersvällare.

  • The specification of the Åkerman & Lund organ (1946) was:
    Huvudverk: Principal 8', Flute Harmonique 8', Oktava 4', Oktava 2' (1914/1946), Mixtur 4 chor (1946), Trumpet 8'.
    Svällverk: Salicional 8', Rörflöjt 8', Principal 4' (1914/1946), Flute Oktaviante 4', Kvinta 2 2/3' (1914/1946), Waldflöjt 2' (1946).
    Pedal: Subbas 16', Koralbas 4' (1946) (transmission).
    Koppel: Manual I - Manual II, Manual i - Manual I 4' (from g°), Manual II - Manual II 16', Pedal - Manual I, Pedal - Manual II.
    4 fria kombinationer i Manual I, 3 fria kombinationer i Manual II, 3 fasta kombinationer (p - mf - tutti), Registersvällare.

Literature Sveriges kyrkorglar / Sten L. Carlsson. - Lund : Håkan Ohlssons, 1973.
Links https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borgsj%C3%B6_kyrka#Orgel