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Complete description of the selected organ
Photo: Bram Luteyn. Date: 5 August 2021.

Photo: Bram Luteyn

Soultzbach-les-Bains, France (Haut-Rhin (68)) - Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste
Municipal: Soultzbach-les-Bains
Address: Rue du Rebberg, 68230, Soultzbach-les-Bains

Description nr.: 2068457.

Built by: Joseph Callinet (1832)

1832 Joseph Callinet  new organ
1924 Jules Besserer  rebuild
1980 Alfred Kern & fils  restoration

Joseph Callinet built a new organ for the church of Soultzbach-les-Bains in 1832. The front pipes were removed in 1917. In 1924 Jules Besserer replaced these with new pipes made of zinc. He also replaced the Doublette with a Voix Céleste. The composition of the Fourniture was altered. In 1980 the Kern company carried out a restoration. New pewter front pipes have been installed and the Doublette has been reconstructed. The Salicional is probably not Callinet's, but it has been maintained. On June 15, 1980, the organ was put back into service with a concert by Gérard Wisson.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manual11
- Pédale4
Total number of stops15
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Manual (C-f'''): Bourdon 16' (from c°), Montre 8' - 1832/1980, Bourdon 8', Salicional 8', Prestant 4', Flûte 4', Quinte 2 2/3', Doublette 2' - 1980, Cornet 5 rangs, Fourniture 3 rangs, Trompette 8' (B/D), Tremblant Fort.
Pédale (C-d'): Bourdon 16', Flûte 8', Flûte 4', Trompette 8'.
Couplers: Tirasse.

Links http://decouverte.orgue.free.fr/orgues/soultzba.htm