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Complete description of the selected organ
Börje, Sverige (Uppsala län) - Börje Kyrka
Municipal: Uppsala Kommun

Description nr.: 2067725.

Built by: Daniel Wallenström (1856)

1856 Daniel Wallenström  new organ
ca. 1900 K.A. Andersson  maintenance/reparations
1958 Bröderna Moberg Orgelbyggare  restoration

The organ in Börje Kyrka was built in 1856 by Daniel Wallenström. It is an instrument with with eight stops and pulldown pedal. Around 1900, K.A. Andersson installed the organ in a swell box. He moved the prospect to create room for this, and provided the facade with non-speaking pipes. In 1958 the original situation was restored during a restoration by the firm Bröderna Moberg.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manual8
- Pedalaangehangen
Total number of stops8
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Manual (C-f''', division between b°/c'): Borduna 16' (B/D), Principal 8', Dubbel Gedact 8', Wox Candida 8', Octava 4', Flöjt 4', Octava 2', Trumpet 8' (B/D).
Pedal (C-e'): Aangehangen.

  • Sveriges kyrkorglar / Sten L. Carlsson. - Lund : Håkan Ohlssons, 1973.
  • Orgelinventarium : Bevarade klassiska kyrkorglar i Sverige / Einar Erici, R. Axel Unnerbäck. - Stockholm : Proprius Förlag, 1988.