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Volledige beschrijving geselecteerd orgel
Pfützthal, Deutschland (Sachsen-Anhalt) - Sankt Johanneskirche
Gemeente: Salzmünde
Adres: Am Bach, 06198, Pfüzthal

Beschrijving nr.: 2065431.

Gebouwd door: Builder unknown (1776)

1776 Builder unknown  nieuwbouw
1878 Builder unknown  overplaatsing
2018 Thomas Schildt  restauratie

  • The organ of the Sankt Johanneskirche in Pfüzthal was installed in this church in 1878, but the instrument itself dates from 1776. The original location is not known. It was in a very bad condition in 2013: the prospect pipes were missing (probably since 1917) and the organ had not been played for many years. Thomas Schildt restored the instrument in the years 2013-2018, and meanwhile also the interior of the church has been restored. On August 19, 2018, the organ was inaugurated again.
  • The current specification is very likely the one from 1878, and not the original stop list. One stop is missing, probably a Mixtur or an Octävlein 1'.

Technische gegevens
Aantal registers per werk
- Manual5
Totaal aantal stemmen5
Toonhoogtea' = 473 Hz
Winddruk68 mm

Manual (CD-c'''): Flöte 8', Gedackt 8' - C-B combined with Flöte, Principal 4', Gedackt 4' - C-B combined with Principal, Octave 2'.

Literatuur Alte und neue Orgeln : Die Barock-Orgel in Pfüzthal / Tim-Dietrich Meyer. - In: Ars Organi, 68. Jhg., Heft 2, Juni 2020.