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Complete description of the selected organ
Asti, Italia (Asti) - Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta e San Gottardo, Organo Evangelio
Municipal: Asti
Address: Piazza Cattedrale, 14100, Asti
Website: https://www.diocesiasti.it/

Description nr.: 2064619.

Built by: Liborio Grisanti (1768)

1768 Liborio Grisanti  new organ
1835 Fratelli Serassi  rebuild
1865 Fratelli Serassi  restoration
2010 Builder unknown  restoration

  • In 1768, a new organ was built for the cathedral of Asti by Liborio Grisanti. The instrument was relocated to the south side of the choir (Evangelio) by the brothers Serassi in 1835, when they built a new organ on the north side. In 1865 a restoration was carried out by them. The original composition had a Tromboni on the pedal, and a Tromba at the manual, but those stops were removed by Serassi. The Tromba was replaced by a Viola 4' (bass) and Flauto Traverso 8' (Discant).
  • For a long time the organ was in an unplayable condition. It has been restored in 2009-2010. On May 23, 2010, the instrument was inaugurated again.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manuale12
- Pedale1
Total number of stops13
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Manuale (C-f''', division between b°/c'): Principale I 8' (B/D), Principale II 8' (B/D), Flauto Traverso 8' (Discant), Voce Umana 8' (Discant), Ottava 4' (B/D), Flauto in 8a 4' (B/D), Viola 4' (Bass), Quinta Decima 2', Decima Nona 1 1/3', Vigesima Seconda 1', Vigesima Sesta 2/3', Vigesima Nona 1/2', Cornetto 3 file.
Pedale (C-e°): Contrabassi con Ottava 16' + 8'.

Recordings "A due Organi" : Rodolfo Bellatti e Nicola Cittadin agli organi storici della Cattedrale di Asti / Rodolfo Bellatti & Nicola Cittadin. - Gallo CD-1356 (CD).
Links http://www.idilim.it/organo-liborio-grisanti-della-cattedrale-di-asti/