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Complete description of the selected organ
Poperinge, België (West-Vlaanderen) - College Sint-Stanislas, Kapel
Municipal: Poperinge
Address: Burgemeester Bertenplein, 8970, Poperinge

Description nr.: 2064035.

Built by: Jules Anneessens (1921)
Demolished (1963)

  • The chapel of the Sint Stanislas College in Poperinge was seriously damaged during the first world war. The organ by Frederick Loncke from 1898 was lost. This instrument had twelve stops on two manuals and pedal, and was constructed with mechanical action and slider chests. After the chapel had been restored, a new organ was installed by the company Anneessens-Tanghe, that could be dedicated on May 15, 1921.
  • In 1963 the old chapel was demolished and replaced by a modern chapel. The Anneessens organ was also demolished.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- 2 Manuals and Pedal
Total number of stops14