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Complete description of the selected organ
Endingen am Kaiserstuhl, Deutschland (Baden-Württemberg) - Katholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Peter, Chor-Orgel
Municipal: Endingen am Kaiserstuhl
Address: Peterskirchplatz 8, 79346, Endingen am Kaiserstuhl
Website: https://www.senoka.de/

Description nr.: 2063472.

Built by: Fama & Raadgever (1971)

1971 Fama & Raadgever  new organ
2009 Fokke Rinke Feenstra  transfer/relocate

In 1971, under consultancy of Aart van Beek, Fama & Raadgever installed a small positive in the Hervormde Kerk (Dutch Reformed Church) in Radewijk. Since 2006, the building has been in use at the PKN municipality in Radewijk. The organ was replaced in 2009 by a historic English organ. The Fama & Raadgever organ was sold to the parish of Endingen am Kaiserstuhl in Germany, where it was installed as choir organ in Saint Peter's Church.

Short list of all locations the organ has been
1971RadewijkHervormde Kerk
2009Endingen am KaiserstuhlKatholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Peter, Chor-Orgel

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manuaal6
- Pedaalaangehangen
Total number of stops6
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Manuaal (C-f'''): Holpijp 8' (B/D), Prestant 4', Roerfluit 4' (B/D), Octaaf 2', Sesquialter II sterk (discant), Mixtuur II sterk (B/D).
Pedaal (C-d'): Aangehangen.

  • Orgelbouwnieuws. - In: Het Orgel, jrg. 67 nr. 4, april 1971.
  • Orgelbouwnieuws. - In: Het Orgel, jrg. 67 nr. 11, november 1971.
Links http://www.frfeenstra.nl/de/endingen_de.html