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Complete description of the selected organ
München, Deutschland (Bayern) - Katholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Canisius (Großhadern), Truhen-Orgel
Municipal: München
Address: Hartwaldstraße, 81377, München-Großhadern
Website: https://www.pfarrverband-hadern.de/

Description nr.: 2059095.

Built by: Josef Garhammer (1983)

1983 Josef Garhammer  new organ
2012 Josef Garhammer  enlargement

Continuo organ, built by Josef Garhammer in 1983 with two stops. In 2012 it was overhauled and expanded with three new stops by the same builder.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manual5
Total number of stops5
Manual compassCD-d''' (division between bes° and b°)
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Manual: I 8' (B/D), VIII 4' (B/D), XV 2' (B/D) - 2012, XIX 1 1/3' (B/D) - 2012, XXII 1' (discant) - 2012.

Links http://www.canisius-muenchen.de/?Musik/Orgeln