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Complete description of the selected organ
Düsseldorf, Deutschland (Nordrhein-Westfalen) - Katholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Maria, Hilfe der Christen (Lörick)
Municipal: Düsseldorf
Address: Löricker Straße 37, 40547, Düsseldorf-Lörick
Website: http://www.santobene.de/

Description nr.: 2056636.

Built by: Kreienbrink Orgelbau (1959)

1959 Kreienbrink Orgelbau  new organ
1978 Willi Peter  restoration
1990 Builder unknown  maintenance/reparations

The parish church of Düsseldorf-Lörick is dedicated to Maria, Hilfe der Christen. The church building was built in the years 1952-1955. In 1959 the company Kreienbrink installed a three-manual organ with 31 stops. In 1978 the organ was renovated by Willi Peter. In 1990 the third manual (Farbenwerk) was placed in a swell box.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Hauptwerk8
- Rückpositiv6
- Schwellwerk10
- Pedal7
Total number of stops31
Key actionElectropneumatic
Stop actionElectropneumatic
Windchest(s)Cone chests

Hauptwerk (C-g'''): Grossgedackt 16', Prinzipal 8', Gemsrohrflöte 8', Weitoktave 4', Zartquintade 4', Rauschpfeife 3 fach (2 2/3'), Grossmixtur 6 fach, Kupfertrompete 8'.
Rückpositiv (C-g'''): Spielflöte 8', Singend Gedackt 8', Trichterprinzipal 4', Helloktave 2', Terzglöcklein 3 fach (1 3/5'), Holzkrummhorn 8', Tremulant.
Schwellwerk (C-g'''): Gamba 8', Schwebung 8' - 1990, Flötgedackt 8', Bartpfeife 8', Hornpraestant 4', Hohlflaut 2', Spitzquinte 1 1/3', Sesquialtera 2 fach, Engtrompete 16', Hornoboe 8'.
Pedal (C-f'): Kupferprinzipal 16', Gedacktuntersatz 16', Oktavbass 8', Gedacktpommer 8', Choralbass 4', Hintersatz 5 fach, Posaune 16'.
Couplers: Hauptwerk - Rückpositiv, Hauptwerk - Schwellwerk, Rückpositiv - Schwellwerk, Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Rückpositiv, Pedal - Schwellwerk, Generalkoppel.
Accessories: 2 freie Kombinationen, Tutti, Crescendo-Walze.

Links https://www.santobene.de/kirchenmusik/orgeln/index.html