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Complete description of the selected organ
Marloie, België (Luxembourg (Belgique)) - Église Saint-Isidore
Municipal: Marche-en-Famenne
Address: Rue de la Station, 6900, Marloie

Description nr.: 2054325.

Built by: firma Jos Stevens (1958)

1958 firma Jos Stevens  new organ
1958 firma Jos Stevens  transfer/relocate
1993 Romy Casteels  restoration

  • In 1958, the Stevens company built an organ for the Chapelle du Saint-Sacrament of the 'City of God' pavilion at the World Exhibition in Brussels. This pavilion itself contained a large organ, which was transferred to Borgerhout. Both organs were dedicated on April 20, 1958 with a concert by Flor Peeters. The small organ has six registers, five of which can be used optionally on both manuals and the pedal, and the Soubasse can only be used on the pedal. The appearance of the organ was designed by R. Bastin, architect in Namur.
  • The small organ from the chapel has been sold to the parish in Marloie. The organ was inaugurated in Marloie on December 21, 1958 with a concert by Charles Decapmaker, organist in Marche-en-Famenne.
  • Around 1993 the console was moved to the church floor. The organ was renovated by Romy Casteels. There were plans in 1994 to expand the instrument with a Trompette 8'.

Short list of all locations the organ has been
1958BrusselPaviljoen van de Heilige Stoel, Expo '58, Sacramentskapel
1958MarloieÉglise Saint-Isidore

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Grand Orgue7
- Positif7
- Pédale6
Total number of stops20 (7)
Key actionElectrical
Stop actionElectrical

Grand Orgue (C-g'''): Bourdon 16', Montre 8', Bourdon 8', Prestant 4', Flûte 4', Octave 2', Mixtur 2 rangs (1').
Positif (C-g'''): Bourdon 8', Flûte 4', Nasard 2 2/3', Flûte 2', Tierce 1 3/5', Cimbale 2 rangs (1'), Cromorne 8'.
Pédale (C-f'): Sousbasse 16', Octave 8', Basse 8', Choralbasse 4', Douçaine 16', Horn 8'.
Couplers: Accouplement du Positif au Grand Orgue, Tirasse Grand Orgue, Tirasse Positif.
Accessories: Tutti.

Other specifications
Different specifications
  • According to Stevens, de specification during the exhibition was:
    Manuaal I, Manuaal II & Pedaal: Roergedekt 8', Prestant 4', Roerfluit 4', Octaafken 2', Cymbel 3 sterk.
    Pedaal: Subbas 16'.

  • After the installation in Marloie, the stop list was:
    Manuaal I, Manuaal II en Pedaal: Bourdon à Cheminée 8', Prestant 4', Flûte 4', Octavin 2', Cymbale 3 rangs.
    Pedaal: Soubasse 16'.

  • Wijding en inhuldiging van het nieuwe orgel bij de inzegening van de "Ecclesia Christi Gloriosi" in de Stad van God op de Wereldtentoonstelling 1958 : Zondag 20 april te 18 H.
  • De firma Stevens uit Duffel stelt haar orgels voor in de kerk Ecclesia Christi Gloriosi op de Wereldtentoonstelling 1958 te Brussel.
  • Inauguration et bénédiction des orgues : Église Paroissiale de Saint-Isidore Marloie : 21 Décembre 1958.
  • Orgues de Wallonie : Volume 9 : Province de Luxembourg / Roland Servais [red.] ; Jean-Pierre Felix, Pierre Decourcelle, Luc De Vos. - Namur : Ministère de la Région wallone : Direction générale de l'Aménagement du Territoire, du Logement et du Patrimoine, 1998.