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Complete description of the selected organ
Tancrémont, België (Liège) - Sanctuaire du Vieux Bon Dieu, Chapelle
Municipal: Pepinster
Address: Route de Tancrémont 77, 4860, Pepinster
Website: https://tancremont.be/

Description nr.: 2051433.

Built by: Thomas Manufacture d'Orgues ()

In 1994 there was no pipe organ in the chapel of the Sanctuaire du Vieux Bon Dieu in Trancrémont. In September 2023 there turned out to be a pipe organ: a two-manual organ with seven registers, built by Manufacture Thomas.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manual I3
- Manual II3
- Pédale0
Total number of stops6
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Manual I: Bourdon 8', Principal 4', Octave 2'.
Manual II: Flûte 8', Flûte 4', Nasard 3' (B/D).
Pédale: No stops present.
Couplers: Pédale - Manual I, Pédale - Manual II.

Literature Orgues de Wallonie : Volume 7 : Province de Liège : Tome 11 - Arrondissement de Verviers / Eric Mairlot. - Namur : Ministère de la Région wallone : Direction générale de l'Aménagement du Territoire, du Logement et du Patrimoine, 1998.
Other sources
  • Pim Mellegers