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Volledige beschrijving geselecteerd orgel
Foto: Ad Fahner. Datering: 19 September 2020.

Foto: Ad Fahner

Metz, France (Moselle (57)) - Grand Séminaire, Chapelle
Gemeente: Metz
Adres: 5 Rue d'Asfeld, 57000, Metz

Beschrijving nr.: 2049645.

Gebouwd door: Bernard Aubertin (1996)
Het orgel bevat ouder materiaal: Orgelkas uit 1850 van Builder unknown

1850 Builder unknown  nieuwbouw
  Théodore & Fils Jacquot  ombouw
1909 Manufacture Dalstein-Haerpfer  overplaatsing
1969 Jean-Georges Koenig  restauratie
1996 Bernard Aubertin  nieuwbouw in bestaande kas

  • The organ in the chapel of the Grand-Séminaire in Metz was originally built for the sisters of the mid-19th century Congregation of Saint-Maur in Langres. Some time later the instrument was acquired via the organ builder Théodore Jacquot by viscount Maurice du Coëtlosquet, who placed it in the chapel of his castle in Mercy. When the viscount died in 1904, his widow permanently settled in Rambervillers and donated the organ to the Grand-Séminaire in Metz. It was installed in the chapel in 1909 by Dalstein and Haerpfer. Because the gothic organ case did not match the style of the chapel, a new case in baroque style was manufactured by sculptor Théophile Klem from Colmar. In 1969 Jean-Georges Koenig carried out a restoration. The organ had twenty stops at this time.
  • In 1996, Bernard Aubertin built a new organ for the chapel in the case of 1909.

Technische gegevens
Aantal registers per werk
- Grand Orgue6
- Positif5
- Pédale1
Totaal aantal stemmen12

Grand Orgue (C-f'''): Portunal 8', Montre 4', Quinte 2 2/3', Doublette 2', Tierce 1 3/5', Mixtur 2 rangs.
Positif (C-f'''): Bourdon 8', Flûte à Cheminée 4', Flûte Conique 2', Quinte 1 1/3', Trompette 8'.
Pédale (C-f'): Bourdon 16'.
Koppelingen: Accouplement du Positif au Grand Orgue à tiroir, Accouplement du Positif au Grand Orgue à fourchettes.
Speelhulpen: Tremblant Doux, Tire-main Positif.

Links http://bernardaubertin.org/orgel.asp?orgelid=160

Foto: Manufacture Aubertin.
Foto: Manufacture Aubertin
Foto: Ad Fahner. Datering: 19 September 2020.
Foto: Ad Fahner
Foto: Ad Fahner. Datering: 19 September 2020.
Foto: Ad Fahner