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Complete description of the selected organ
Mechelen, België (Antwerpen) - Sint Jan-Berchmanskerk
Municipal: Mechelen
Address: Sint-Jan-Berchmanstraat 1, 2800, Mechelen
Website: http://www.sintjanberchmansparochie.be/

Description nr.: 2048741.

Built by: Gerard D'Hondt (1948)

1948 Gerard D'Hondt  new organ
1999 Etienne De Munck  restoration

  • Gerard D'Hondt built a two-manual organ for the Sint Jan-Berchmanskerk in Mechelen in 1948. The organ was dedicated on December 19, 1948. During mass it was played by the organist of the church, Mr. L. Hens. After the ceremony, Flor Peeters gave a first concert on the organ. Flor Peeters was also involved in the construction of the organ as a consultant.
  • The organ was restored in 1999 by Etienne De Munck.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manuaal I9
- Manuaal II (in zwelkast)10
- Pedaal5
Total number of stops24
Key actionElectropneumatic
Stop actionElectropneumatic
Windchest(s)Cone chests

Manuaal I: Bourdon 16', Prestant 8', Salicional 8', Holpijp 8', Octaaf 4', Fluit 4', Octaaf 2', Mixtuur III-IV sterk, Trompet 8'.
Manuaal II (in zwelkast): Prestant 8', Bourdon Harmonique 8', Viola di Gamba 8', Vox Celestis 8', Roerfluit 4', Nazaard 2 2/3', Nachthoorn 2', Terts 1 3/5', Cymbel II-III sterk, Hobo 8', Tremolo.
Pedaal: Subbas 16', Zachtbas 16', Fluit 8', Bas 8', Koraalbas 4'.
Couplers: Manuaal I - Manuaal II, Manuaal I - Manuaal II 16', Manuaal II - Manuaal II 16', Pedaal - Manuaal I, Pedaal - Manuaal II, Pedaal - Manuaal II 4'.
Accessories: 1 vrije combinatie, 3 deelbare combinaties, 4 vaste combinaties (p - mf - f - tutti), Automatisch pedaal.

  • Plechtige inwijding van het nieuwe orgel op Zondag, 19 December 1948, te 15 u.
  • Mixturen. - In: De Schalmei, 4e Jaargang Nr. 1, Januari 1949.