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Complete description of the selected organ
Oberwürzbach, Deutschland (Saarland) - Katholische Pfarrkirche Herz Jesu
Municipal: Sankt Ingbert
Address: Hauptstraße 21, 66386, Oberwürzbach

Description nr.: 2045182.

Built by: Wolfgang Scherpf (1966)

Organ by Wolfgang Scherpf, built in 1965-1966. A Salicional 8' was later added to swell. Consultant was Ludwig Dörr.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Hauptwerk9
- Schwellwerk11
- Pedal7
Total number of stops27
Key actionElectrical
Stop actionElectrical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Hauptwerk (C-g'''): Pommer 16', Principal 8', Gemshorn 8', Oktave 4', Nachthorn 4', Nazard 2 2/3', Octave 2', Mixtur 4 fach (1 1/3'), Trompete 8'.
Schwellwerk (C-g'''): Gedeckt 8', Quintadena 8', Salicional 8', Principal 4', Hohlflöte 4', Schwiegel 2', Terz 1 3/5', Octävlein 1', Sesquialter 2 fach (1 3/5'), Scharff 4 fach (1'), Oboe 8', Tremulant.
Pedal (C-f'): Principalbass 16', Subbass 16', Oktavbass 8', Bassgedeckt 8', Choralbass 4', Hintersatz 4 fach (2 2/3'), Stillposaune 16'.
Couplers: Hauptwerk - Schwellwerk, Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Schwellwerk.
Accessories: 2 freie Kombinationen, Tutti, Crescendo.

Literature Die Orgeln des Saar-Pfalz-Kreises / Bernhard H. Bonkhoff. - In: Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für mittelrheinische Musikgeschichte, Nr. 40, April 1980.