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Foto: Brad J.Würsten. Datering: 1 February 2010.

Foto: Brad J.Würsten

London ON, Canada (Ontario) - Huron University College Chapel

Beschrijving nr.: 2043530.

Gebouwd door: Casavant Frères (1951) - opus 2067

1951 Casavant Frères2067 nieuwbouw
2006 Pole & Kingham  ombouw

Technische gegevens
Aantal registers per werk
- Great Organ12 (11)
- Swell Organ12 (9)
- Pedal Organ10 (3)
Totaal aantal stemmen34 (23)

Great Organ: Open Diapason 8', Flute 8', Gedeckt 8' - 2006, Octave 4', Rohrflute 4', Nazard 2 2/3', Fifteenth 2' - 2006, Blockflute 2', Tierce 1 3/5', Mixture 3 ranks (1 1/3') - 2006, Trombone 16', Trumpet 8' - from Swell, Tremulant.
Swell Organ: Bourdon 16', Geigen Principal 8', Stopped Diapason 8', Salicional 8' - 2006, Voix Celeste 8' - 2006, Gemshorn 4', Fifteenth 2' - from Mixture, Mixture 3 ranks (2') - 2006, Contra Oboe 16' - digital extension, Trumpet 8', Oboe 8', Clarion 4' - extension, Tremulant.
Pedal Organ: Contra Bourdon 32' - digital extension, Bourdon 16', Lieblich Gedeckt 16' - from Swell, Octave 8', Flute 8' - extension, Choral Bass 4' - extension, Mixture 4 ranks (2 2/3'), Trombone 16' - from Swell, Bassoon 16' - from Swell, Trumpet 8' - from Swell.
Koppelingen: Swell to Great, Swell to Great 16', Swell to Great 4', Great to Pedal, Great to Pedal 4', Swell to Pedal, Swell to Pedal 4', Great Suboctave, Great Superoctave, Great Unison Off, Swell Suboctave, Swell Superoctave, Swell Unison Off.

Foto: Brad J.Würsten. Datering: 1 February 2010.
Foto: Brad J.Würsten