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Complete description of the selected organ
Photo: Nel Delfos. Date: 28 June 1983.

Photo: Nel Delfos

Ringkøbing, Danmark (Midtjylland) - Ringkøbing Kirke, Kapel
Municipal: Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune
Address: Kirkepladsen 2, 6950, Ringkøbing
Website: https://www.ringkobingkirke.dk/

Description nr.: 2042395.

Built by: Peter Ulrik Frederik Demant & Søn (1861)

1861 Peter Ulrik Frederik Demant & Søn  new organ
1888 Frederik Nielsen  enlargement
1935 Th. Frobenius & Sønner  restoration and enlargement
1953 Th. Frobenius & Sønner  restoration
2008 Sven Hjorth Andersen  reconstruction

  • In 2008 Sven Hjorth Andersen completed a new organ for Ringkøbing Kapel. However, the organ contains a lot of old pipework. The interior of the church's old organ has been used, which was built in 1861 by J.A. Demant, but later had been radically rebuilt and expanded. The interior was removed from the main organ case on 28 and 29 January 2008, because a reconstruction of the baroque organ that belonged to it was performed in the old organ cases. Klaus V. Jensen, organist of the church, was consultant for the rebuilding of the Demant organ.
  • The instrument was built in 1861 by the Demant firm. In 1888 Frederik Nielsen expanded it with a second keyboard in a swell box. In 1935 an independent pedal was placed by Frobenius. In 1952/1953 Frobenius carried out a restoration. Added to the organ is a Fugara 8' by Frederik Nielsen from 1896, from the organ of Storvorde Kirke. The bass octave of these registers was supplied in 2008 by the company Laukhuff.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manual I5
- Manual II3
- Pedal2
Total number of stops10
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Manual I (C-f'''): Bordun 16' - 1861, Principal 8' - 1861/1888, Rørfløjte 8' - 1888, Oktav 4' - 1861, Oktav 2' - 1861.
Manual II (C-f'''): Fugara 8' - 1896/2008, Gedakt 8' - 1861, Gedaktfløjte 4' - 1861.
Pedal (C-d'): Subbas 16' - 1935, Rörflöjte 8' - 1935.
Couplers: Manual I - Manual II, Pedal - Manual I.

Other specifications
Different specifications
  • The original specification of the Demant organ (1861) was:
    Manual: Principal 8', Gedakt 8', Oktav 4', Fløjte 4', Oktav 2'.
    Pedal: Anhangt.

  • After the expansion by Nielsen (1888):
    Manual I: Bordun 16' (1888), Principal 8', Rørfløjte 8' (1888), Oktav 4', Oktav 2'.
    Manual II (Svelleværk): Fugara 8' (1888), Gedakt 8', Fløjte 4'.
    Pedal: Anhangt.

  • After the second expansion by Frobenius (1935):
    Manual I: Bordun 16' (1888), Principal 8', Rørfløjte 8' (1888), Oktav 4', Mixtur 3 fag (1935).
    Manual II (Svelleværk): Fugara 8' (1888), Gedakt 8', Fløjte 4'.
    Pedal: Subbas 16' (1935), Rörflöjte 8'(1935).

  • From 1953 until the dismantling of 2008, the stop list was:
    Manual I: Principal 8', Rørfløjte 8' (1888), Oktav 4', Oktav 2', Mixtur 3 fag (1935).
    Manual II: Gedakt 8', Gedaktfløjte 4' (1952), Kobbelfløjte 2' (1952), Quint 1 1/3' (1952).
    Pedal: Subbas 16' (1935), Rørfløjte 8' (1935).
    Koppel: Kopler Manual I - Manual II, Kopler Pedal - Manual I.

  • Organist- og Kantorenembederne i København, de danske Købstæder og købstadlignende Byer samt disses Indehavere / Axel Buchardt (red.]. - Femte Udgave. - København : Ejnar Munksgaards Forlag, 1953.
  • Danmarks Kirker - Vol. 18 Ringkøbing Amt.