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Complete description of the selected organ
Stockholm, Sverige (Stockholms län) - Timmermansorden
Municipal: Stockholms Kommun
Address: Birger Jarlsgatan 54, 111 45, Stockholm

Description nr.: 2039428.

Built by: E.A. Setterquist & Son (1931)

Isak Gustaf Clason designed the large house of the Timmermansorden in Stockholm. It was completed in 1927. In 1931, the Setterquist firm placed an organ in the main hall of the building. The instrument has been preserved without modifications.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manual I7
- Manual II (Svälleverk)11
- Pedal5 (2)
Total number of stops23 (20)
Key actionPneumatic
Stop actionPneumatic

Manual I (C-g'''): Principal 8', Gamba 8', Flûte Harmonique 8', Gedackt 8', Oktava 4', Cornett 4 kor, Trumpet 8'.
Manual II (Svälleverk) (C-g'''): Borduna 16', Basetthorn 8', Violin 8', Salicional 8', Voix Céleste 8', Rörflöjt 8', Ekoflöjt 4', Fugara 4', Waldflöjt 2', Oboe 8', Vox Humana 8'.
Pedal (C-f'): Violon 16', Subbas 16', Ekobas 16' - transmissie, Gedacktbas 8' - transmissie, Violoncell 8' - transmissie.
Couplers: Manual I - Manual II, Pedal - Manual I, Pedal - Manual II, Manual I - Manual I 4', Manual II - Manual II 16'.
Accessories: 2 fria Kombinationer, 4 faste Kombinationer.

Literature Stockholm orgelstaden : Historia och nutid / Dag W. Edholm. - Stockholm : Verbum Förlag, 1997.