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Complete description of the selected organ
Stockholm, Sverige (Stockholms län) - Swedenborgs Lusthus
Municipal: Stockholms Kommun
Address: Skansen, 115 21, Stockholm
Website: https://skansen.se/

Description nr.: 2039352.

Built by: Builder unknown (18e eeuw)

18e eeuw Builder unknown  new organ
1984 Mads Kjersgaard  restoration

Swedenborg's Lusthus contains an eighteenth-century positive with only one rank, a Gedackt 4'. The organ was placed in the building in 1896. The instrument was restored in 1984 by Mads Kjersgaard.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manual1
Total number of stops1
Key actionMechanical

Manual (CDEFGA-c'''): Gedackt 4'.

Literature Stockholm orgelstaden : Historia och nutid / Dag W. Edholm. - Stockholm : Verbum Förlag, 1997.