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Complete description of the selected organ
Photo: Henrik West. Date: 22 January 2015.

Photo: Henrik West

Øster Hornum, Danmark (Nordjylland) - Øster Hornum Kirke
Municipal: Rebild Kommune
Address: Til Kirken 10, 9530, Øster Hornum
Website: http://ohkirke.dk/

Description nr.: 2036137.

Built by: Gunnar Fabricius Husted (2004)

Gunnar Fabiricius Husted built a new organ for Øster Hornum Kirke in 2004. The previous organ of the church was relocated to Tveje Merløse.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- 2 Manuals and Pedal
Total number of stops15

Photo: Henrik West. Date: 22 January 2015.
Photo: Henrik West