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Complete description of the selected organ
Blankenau (Hosenfeld), Deutschland (Hessen) - Katholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Simon und Judas Thaddäus
Municipal: Hosenfeld
Address: Propsteiplatz, 36154, Hosenfeld-Blankenau
Website: https://www.katholische-kirche-heiligkreuz.de/

Description nr.: 2034938.

Built by: Franz Karl Bien (1744)

1744 Franz Karl Bien  new organ
1884 Gebrüder Euler  restoration and enlargement
1993 Hoffmann Orgelbau  restoration

In the parish church of Blankenau there is an organ by Franz Karl Bien from 1744. It was built in 1884 by the Gebr. Euler restored and expanded. Hoffmann Orgelbau carried out a restoration in 1993.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Hauptwerk9
- Oberwerk6
- Pedal6
Total number of stops21
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Hauptwerk (C-f'''): Principal 8', Quintatön 8', Gamba 8', Salicional 8', Bifra 8', Octave 4', Quinte 2 2/3', Octave 2', Mixtur 4 fach.
Oberwerk (C-f'''): Hohlflöte 8', Flauto Dolce 8', Flöte 4', Gemshorn 4', Flageolet 2', Sesquialtera 2 fach.
Pedal (C-d'): Principal 16', Subbaß 16', Octavbaß 8', Gedacktbaß 8', Octave 4', Posaune 16'.
Couplers: Hauptwerk - Oberwerk, Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Oberwerk.

Literature Ergänzungen zu Band 5 "Die Orgeln des Landkreises Fulda". - In: Die Orgeln der Stadt Fulda / Gottfried Rehm. - Wolfenbüttel : Uwe Pape, 1970. - (Norddeutsche Orgeln ; 6).