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Complete description of the selected organ
Smrečany, Slovenská Republika (Žilinský kraj) - Kościól Obetovania Pána (ku cti Očisťovania Panny Márie)
Municipal: Smrečany
Address: Smrečany 40, 032 05, Smrečany

Description nr.: 2025665.

Built by: Martin Podkonický (1750)

1750 Martin Podkonický  new organ
1973 Josef Kmošek  restoration

Martin Podkonický built a small positive for the parish church of Smrečany in 1750. He signed it on April 6, 1750. The organ has been preserved entirely in its original state, with the exception of the side doors that have disappeared. In 1973 Josef Kmošek carried out a restoration.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manuál4
Total number of stops4
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Manuál (CDEFGA-c'''): Copula Major 8', Copula Minor 4', Principal 2', Quinta 1 1/3', Tremulant.

Literature Historické organy na Slovensku : Historische Orgeln in der Slowakei / Otmar Gergelyi, Karol Wurm. - Bratislava : Opus, 1982.
Recordings Czechoslovak Historic Organs : Organs in Slovakia / Ferdinand Klinda. - Opus 9111 0589 (LP). - 1978.