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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Västervik, Sverige (Kalmar län) - Sankt Gertruds Kyrka
Commune: Västerviks Kommun
Adresse: Vätsra Kyrkogatan, 59324, Västervik

Description no.: 2023195.

Bâti par: Jonas Wistenius (1743)

1743 Jonas Wistenius  orgue neuf
1762 Peter L. Nyman  activités différentes
1788 Pehr Schiörlin  activités différentes
1948 Th. Frobenius & Sønner  restauration
1967 Einar Berg  restauration
2001 Åkerman & Lund  reconstruction

  • In 1743 Jonas Wistenius built an organ for St. Getrud's Church in Västervik. The front is made by M. Österbohm in Baroque style. The organ was badly damaged in 1762 as a result of a lightning strike. But it could be repaired by the organist of the church, Peter L. Nyman. Pehr Schiörlin carried out reparations in 1788. He also renewed a part of the pipework of the manual and modified the Spitzfleut 8' into a Principal 8' and the Qwinta 1 1/2' into a Qwinta 3'.
  • In 1948, Frobenius started a restoration, which was completed in 1967 by Einar Berg. Consultant during these works was Åhlen Waldemar.
  • In 2001, Åkerman & Lund completed a reconstruction of Wistenius' specification. Work started in 1994 under the advice of Carl-Gustaf Lewenhaupt. Because he passed away in 1996, his place was taken by Niclas Fredriksson. On June 9, 2001 the organ was put back into use.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manual12
- Pedal8
Nombre de jeux total20
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests
Hauteur tonalea' = 464 Hz
TempératureWerckmeister III
Presse de Vent76 mm

Manual (C-c'''): Borduna 16' (from G), Principal 8' (from g°), Gedagt 8' (B/D), Principal 4', Gedagt-Fleut 4', Salicinal 4', Qwinta 3', Octava 2', Spitz-Fleut 2', Mixtur 3 chor (1'), Trompet 8' (B/D), Wox Humana 8' (discant), Tremulant - 1948.
Pedal (CDE-c'): Subbas-Gedact 16', Principal 8', Wioloncell 8', Gedact 8', Octava 4', Octava 2', Bassun 16', Trompet 8'.
Jouer conseils: Campanula, Sperventil Manual, Sperventil Pedal.

Autres données des dispositions
Autres dispositions The stop list was before 1994:
Manual (C-c'''): Borduna 16', Principal 8' (D), Gedackt 8' (B/D), Fugara 8', Principal 4', Flöjt 4', Salicional 4', Kvinta 2 2/3', Spelflöjt 2', Scharf 3 chor, Vox Humana 8', Tremulant.
Pedal (C-c'): Subbas 16', Principal 8', Violoncell 8', Gedackt 8', Oktava 4', Oktava 2', Basun 16', Trumpet 8'.
  • Sveriges kyrkorglar / Sten L. Carlsson. - Lund : Håkan Ohlssons, 1973.
  • Orgelinventarium : Bevarade klassiska kyrkorglar i Sverige / Einar Erici, R. Axel Unnerbäck. - Stockholm : Proprius Förlag, 1988.
  • Berühmte Orgeln : Meisterwerke europäischer Orgelbauer / Ursula und Ulrich Rüge. - Hamburg : Nikol Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 1994.
Enregistrements 3 Orglar i Västervik : Roland Forsberg spelar 3x3 werk från 3 epoker / Roland Forstberg. - Proprius PROP-7720 (LP). - 1973.
Lièns https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/S:ta_Gertruds_Kyrka