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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Ekebyborna, Sverige (Östergötlands län) - Ekebyborna Kyrka
Commune: Motala Kommun
Adresse: Kyrkvägen, 591 95, Ekebyborna

Description no.: 2022564.

Bâti par: Pehr Schiörlin (1806)

1740 Carl Björling  orgue neuf
1806 Pehr Schiörlin  orgue neuf
1918 Carl Axel Lund  changer la disposition
1952 Th. Frobenius & Sønner  restauration

In 1806 Pehr Schiörlin installed a new organ in Ekebyborna Kyrka with eleven stops and an attached pedal. It replaced a smaller organ by Carl Björling from 1740. The organ was renovated several times in the nineteenth century, but nothing was altered. That did happen in 1918, when Carl Axel Lund overhauled the organ. He replaced the Scharf with a Gamba, and changed the Salicional into a Violoncel and the Fiffaro into a Fugara. In 1952 the organ was restored by Frobenius and returned to its original state. The pipework for the Scharf was made new.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manual9
- Pedalaangehangen
Nombre de jeux total9
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Manual (C-f'''): Principal 16' (discant), Gedackt 8', Oppenfleut 8' (discant), Fiffaro 8' (2 chor) (discant) - 1806/1952, Principal 4' (B/D), Gedackt 4', Salicional 4' (bass) - 1806/1952, Gamba 4' (bass), Waldfleut 2', Scharf 2 chor (1 1/3'+1') - 1952, Trompet 8' (B/D) - cis°/d°.
Pedal (C-a°): Aangehangen.

  • Sveriges kyrkorglar / Sten L. Carlsson. - Lund : Håkan Ohlssons, 1973.
  • Orgelinventarium : Bevarade klassiska kyrkorglar i Sverige / Einar Erici, R. Axel Unnerbäck. - Stockholm : Proprius Förlag, 1988.
Lièns https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekebyborna_kyrka