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Complete description of the selected organ
Göggingen (Augsburg), Deutschland (Bayern) - Hessing-Kliniken (Orthopädische Anstaltskirche Sankt Johannes)
Municipal: Augsburg
Address: Hessingstraße 17, 86199, Augsburg-Göggingen
Website: https://www.hessing-kliniken.de/

Description nr.: 2020888.

Built by: G.F. Steinmeyer und Co. (1896) - opus 566

1896 G.F. Steinmeyer und Co.566 new organ
ca. 1900 G.F. Steinmeyer und Co.  transfer/relocate
1998 Gerhard Schmid  restoration

  • In the years 1890-1893 the Sankt Johanneskirche of the Orthopädische Anstalt in Göggingen was built. Friedrich von Hessing, a former employee of Steinmeyer, commissioned the Steinmeyer firm to build a three-manual organ for the church, which was placed in an exuberant neo-Gothic case. The front was designed by Jean Keller from Augsburg. Before the final installation in the church, Steinmeyer exposed the organ during the Bayerischen Landes-Industrie-, Gewerbe- und Kunst-Austellung in Nürnberg in 1896. A special feature is the Physharmonika on the third manual with a knee sweller. A pedal driven pump for this register was also arranged above the actual pedal.
  • The organ was probably installed in the church between 1900 and 1904. The building was dedicated on September 29, 1906 as Simultankirche. The organ has never been modified after construction, but it fell into serious disrepair. On the advice of Michael Rassinger, organist of the church, it was overhauled by Gerhard Schmid in 1998.

Short list of all locations the organ has been
1896NürnbergBayerischen Landes-Industrie-, Gewerbe- und Kunst-Austellung
ca. 1900GöggingenHessing-Kliniken (Orthopädische Anstaltskirche Sankt Johannes)

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- I. Manual7
- II. Manual5
- III. Manual1
- Pedal2
Total number of stops15
Key actionPneumatic
Stop actionPneumatic
Windchest(s)Cone chests

I. Manual (C-f'''): Bourdon 16', Principal 8', Viola di Gamba 8', Gedeckt 8', Octav 4', Traversflöte 4', Mixtur 3 fach (2 2/3').
II. Manual (Schwellwerk) (C-f'''): Geigenprincipal 8', Aeoline 8', Vox Coelestis 8', Orchesterflöte 8', Dolce 4'.
III. Manual (Schwellbar mit Knieschweller) (C-f'''): Physharmonika 8'.
Pedal (C-d'): Subbaß 16', Violonbaß 8'.
Couplers: I. Manual - II. Manual, I. Manual - III. Manual, II. Manual - III. Manual, Pedal - I. Manual, Pedal - II. Manual, Pedal - III. Manual, Octav-Copula für I. Manual, Octav-Copula für II. Manual, Octav-Copula für Pedal.
Accessories: Piano, Mezzoforte, Forte, Freie Combination, Rollschweller (Generalcrescendo).

  • Die Musikinstrumente auf der Bayerischen Landes-Industrie-, Gewerbe- und Kunst-Austellung in Nürnberg 1896 : (Fortsetzung). - In: Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau, 16. Jahrg., No. 36, 21. September 1896.
  • Orgeln in Schwaben / Georg Brenninger. - München : Bruckmann, 1986.
  • Die Steinmeyer-Orgel (1896) der Hessing-Kliniken in Augsburg-Göggingen / Michael Rassinger. - In: Ars Organi, 55. Jahrgang Heft 4, Dezember 2007.