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Complete description of the selected organ
Altötting, Deutschland (Bayern) - Evangelische Kirche "Zum Guten Hirten"
Municipal: Altötting
Address: Eichendorffstraße 2, 84503, Altötting
Website: http://altötting-evangelisch.de/

Description nr.: 2017939.

Built by: Josef Maier (2006) - opus 55

In 2006 Josef Maier built a two-manual organ with thirteen stops for the church "Zum Guten Hirten" in Altötting-Süd. It was put into use on Sunday December 17, 2006. After the service André Gold, cantor-organist in Neuötting, gave a concert on the new organ.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Hauptwerk6
- Récit4
- Pedal3
Total number of stops13
Manual compassC-f''', Récit g-f'''
Pedal compassC-f'
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Hauptwerk: Prinzipal 8', Salicional 8', Bordun 4', Traversflöte 4', Octave 4', Mixtur 4 fach (2'), Tremolo.
Récit: Rohrflöte 8', Spitzflöte 4', Octave 2', Sesquialtera 2 fach (2 2/3').
Pedal (C-f'): Subbass 16', Octavbass 8', Trompete 8'.
Couplers: Hauptwerk - Récit, Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Récit.

Links http://www.orgelbau-maier.de/OP%2055%20Altoetting.htm