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Bron: Fratelli Ruffatti.

Bron: Fratelli Ruffatti

Miami, USA (Florida) - Church of the Epiphany
Gemeente: Miami
Streek:Miami-Dade County
Adres: 8081 S.W. 54th Court, 33143, Miami, FL
Website: http://www.epiphanycatholicchurch.com/

Beschrijving nr.: 2017546.

Gebouwd door: Fratelli Ruffatti (2002)

Voor de Church of the Epiphany in Miami bouwde de firma Ruffatti een nieuw orgel. Het is in gebruik genomen op 24 november 2002.

Technische gegevens
Aantal registers per werk
- Great Organ12
- Choir Organ10 (9)
- Swell Organ18 (15)
- Pedal Organ18 (6)
Totaal aantal stemmen58 (42)

Great Organ (C-c''''): Spitzflöte 16', Montre 8', Flûte Harmonique 8', Bourdon 8', Prestant 4', Flûte Octaviante 4', Doublette 2', Mounted Cornet 5 ranks (8') (TC), Fourniture 4 ranks (1 1/3'), Cymbale 4 ranks (1/2'), Trompette 8', Tromba del Giubileo 2000 8', Tremulant, Chimes - prepared.
Choir Organ (C-c''''): Holzgedackt 8', Viola Pomposa 8', Viola Celeste 8', Ottave 4', Koppelflöte 4', Fifteenth 2', Larigot 1 1/3', Ripieno 4 ranks (1'), Cromorne 8', Tremulant, Tromba del Giubileo 2000 8' - from Great Organ, Harp 8' - prepared, Celesta 4' - prepared.
Swell Organ (C-c''''): Bourdon Doux 16' - extension, Principal 8', Viole de Gambe 8', Viole Celeste 8', Flûte à Cheminèe 8', Flauto Dolce 8', Flute Celeste 8' (TC), Octave 4', Flauto Veneziano 4', Nazard 2 2/3', Flûte à Bec 2', Tierce 1 3/5', Plein Jeu 4 ranks (2'), Petite Bombarde 16', Trompette Harmonique 8', Hautbois 8', Clairon Harmonique 4' - extension, Tremulant, Tromba del Giubileo 2000 8' - from Great Organ.
Pedal Organ (C-g'): Resultant 32' - acoustic, Principal 16', Soubasse 16', Spitzflöte 16' - from Great Organ, Bourdon Doux 16' - from Swell Organ, Octave 8' - extension, Flute 8', Flûte à Cheminèe 8' - from Swell Organ, Prestant 4' - extension, Flute 4' - extension, Mixture 4 ranks (2 2/3'), Contre Bombarde 32', Bombarde 16' - extension, Petite Bombarde 16' - from Swell Organ, Trompette 8', Clairon 4' - extension, Cromorne 4' - from Choir Organ, Tromba del Giubileo 2000 8' - from Great Organ.
Koppelingen: Choir to Great (16', 8', 4'), Swell to Great (16', 8', 4'), Swell to Choir (16', 8', 4'), Choir to Swell (16', 8', 4'), Great to Pedal (8', 4'), Choir to Pedal (8', 4'), Swell to Pedal (8', 4'), Great to Great (16', 4'), Great Unison Off, Choir to Choir (16', 4'), Choir Unison Off, Swell to Swell (16', 4'), Swell Unison Off.
Speelhulpen: Tutti, 16' Manual Stops Silent, Great/Choir Transfer, Great and Pedal Reeds Cancel, Choir Reeds Cancel, Swell Reeds Cancel, All Reeds Cancel, Great and Pedal Mixtures Cancel, Choir Mixture Cancel, Swell Mixture Cancel, All Mixtures Cancel.

Opnamen Alan Morrison : Church of the Epiphany Miami. - CD.
Links https://ruffatti.com/Miami.pdf