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Complete description of the selected organ
Date: 14 September 2017.

Genova, Italia (Genova) - Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta di Carignano
Municipal: Genova
Address: Via Innocenzo IV, 8, 16128, Genova

Description nr.: 2010689.

Built by: Camillo Guglielmo Bianchi (1853)
The organ contains older material: Organ case and pipes from 1660 by Guglielmo Ermanni

1660 Guglielmo Ermanni  new organ
1853 Camillo Guglielmo Bianchi  restoration and enlargement
1905 Domenico Tagliafico  rebuild
1906 Giacomo e Luigi Lingiardi  modify stoplist
2011 Fratelli Marin  restoration and enlargement

  • The organ in the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunto in Genova-Carignanon was originally built in the years 1656-1660 by Willem Hermans. A beautiful baroque organ case was built by Giovanni Battista Santacroce and Giovanni Battista Isola, with carvings and paintings by Domenico Piola and Paolo Brozzi.
  • The organ was converted by Camillo Bianchi in 1853 and expanded into a two-manual organ with 28 registers. In 1905 the organ was overhauled by Domenico Tagliafico, who replaced several fill stops with new registers. A year later, a number of old registers were replaced by the Lingiardi company.
  • The Fratelli Marin company carried out a restoration in 2011. In addition, the organ has been expanded to 36 registers. Several registers that were replaced in 1905-1906 were reconstructed.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Grand'Organo17
- Eco Espressivo10
- Pedale2
Total number of stops29
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Grand'Organo (C-f'''): Principale 32' (B/D), Principale 16' (B/D), Ottava 8' (discant), Flauto Traverso 8' (discant), Flauto in Ottava 4' (B/D), Violone 4' (bas), Duodecima 2 2/3' (B/D), Flauto in Duodecima 2 2/3' (discant), Ottavino 2' (discant), Violetta 2' (bas), Decimaquinta + Decimanona 2'+1 1/3'', Vigesimaseconda 1', Flagioletto 1/2' (bas), Cornetto 4 file (discant), Ripieno 4 file, Corni da Caccia 16' (discant), Trombe 16' (discant), Corno Inglese 16' (discant), Voce Umana 8' (discant), Trombe 8' (discant), Fagotto 8' (bas), Clarone 4' (bas).
Eco Espressivo (C-f'''): Principale 8', Viola 8', Flauto in Selva 8', Voce Flebile 8' (discant), Ottava 4', Flauta in Ottava 4', Decimaquinta 2', Decimanona + Vigesimaseconda 1 1/3'+1'', Fagotto-Oboe 8', Voci Umane 8' (discant).
Pedale (C-g°): Contrabassi e Rinforzi 16'+8', Bombarda 16'.
Other stops: Rossignuoli, Rollante, Banda Turca, Timballi in Tutti i Tuoni.
Couplers: Unione Manuali.
Accessories: Terza Mano.

Links http://organday.altervista.org/s.m.assunta-in-carignano.html
Other sources
  • Jean-Alain Ripoche

Date: 14 September 2017.