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Complete description of the selected organ
Drolshagen, Deutschland (Nordrhein-Westfalen) - Katholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Clemens (Zisterzienserinnen-Kirche)
Municipal: Drolshagen
Address: Clemensstraße, 57489, Drolshagen
Website: https://pr-olpe-drolshagen.de/

Description nr.: 2008519.

Built by: Eisenbarth Orgelbau (2018)
The organ contains older material: Organ case and prospect from 1788 by Gebrüder Christian und Gerhard Kleine

1788 Gebrüder Christian und Gerhard Kleine  new organ
1969 Builder unknown  new organ in old case
2018 Eisenbarth Orgelbau  new organ in old case

During the construction of the organ in Drolshagen in 1788, Gerhard Kleine died. The interior has since disappeared. In 1969, a new organ was placed in the old case. This was replaced in 2018 by a new organ from the Eisenbarth company. This was inaugurated on 11 March 2018. It was played on this occasion by Thomas Grütz.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Hauptwerk11
- Schwellwerk12
- Pedal7
Total number of stops30
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionElectrical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Hauptwerk (C-g'''): Principal 8', Hohlflöte 8', Gedeckt 8', Octave 2', Gemshorn 4', Quinte 2 2/3', Octave 2', Flöte 2', Mixtur 4 fach (1 1/3'), Trompete 8', Clarino 4', Glockenspiel, Tremolo.
Schwellwerk (C-g'''): Suavial 8', Rohrflöte 8', Gamba 8', Vox Caelestis 8' (from c°), Principal 4', Flöte 4', Nasat 2 2/3', Waldflöte 2', Terz 1 3/5', Quint 1 1/3', Sifflöte 1', Oboe 8'.
Pedal (C-f'): Principalbass 16', Subbass 16', Offenbass 8', Gedecktbass 8', Choralbaß 4', Fagott 16', Trompete 8'.
Couplers: Hauptwerk - Schwellwerk, Hauptwerk - Schwellwerk Suboctav, Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Schwellwerk, Suboctavkoppel Schwellwerk, Superoctavkoppel Schwellwerk.
Accessories: 10.000 Setzer-Kombinationen.

Literature Historische Orgeln im Kreis Olpe / Rudolf Reuter. - Münster : Westfälischer Heimatbund, 1982. - (Westfälische Kunststätten ; 22).