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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Source: Album cover.

Source: Album cover

Cambridge, United Kingdom (Cambridgeshire) - Robinson College Chapel
Commune: Cambridge
Adresse: Grange Road, CB3 9AN, Cambridge
Site Web: http://www.robinson.cam.ac.uk/

Description no.: 2005701.

Bâti par: Th. Frobenius & Sønner (1981) - opus 890

Onder advies van Gerald Gifford bouwde de firma Frobenius in 1980/1981 een nieuw orgel voor de kapel van Robinson College in Cambridge. Gifford verzorgde ook het inauguratieconcert op 2 mei 1981. De orgelkassen zijn ontworpen door Gillespie, Kidd & Coia, architecten van de kapel.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great10
- Swell Positiv9
- Pedal7
Nombre de jeux total26
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxElectrical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Great (C-c''''): Principal 8', Fløjte 8', Oktav 4', Fløjte 4', Quint 2 2/3', Oktav 2', Blockfløjte 2', Terts 1 3/5', Mixture 4 ranks (, Trompet 8', Tremulant.
Swell Positiv (C-c''''): Gedakt 8', Gamba 8', Principal 4', Fløjte 4', Nasard 2 2/3', Oktav 2', Larigot 1 1/3', Scharf 3 ranks (22.26.29), Krummhorn 8', Tremulant.
Pedal (C-g'): Subbass 16', Oktav 8', Gedackt 8', Superoktav 4', Mixtur 3 ranks, Fagot 16', Skalmej 4'.
Accouplements: Great to Pedal, Swell Positiv to Pedal, Swell Positiv to Great.

  • Soundboard : A news column about organs / John Norman. - In: Organists' Review, vol. 65 no. 2, May 1980.
  • Soundboard : A news column about organs / John Norman. - In: Organists' Review, vol. 66 no. 1, February 1981.
  • The organs of Cambridge : An illustrated guide to the organs of the University and City of Cambridge / Nicholas Thistlethwaite. - Oxford : Positif Press, 2008.
  • Priory LP Archive Series Volume 2 / John Winter, Anthony Burns-Cox, Michael Overbury, Marc Rochester. - Priory Records PRCD 914 (CD). - 2004. - Opgenomen in Newark-on-Trent, Romsey Abbey, Cardiff en Cambridge.
  • The organ of Robinson College, Cambridge / John Winter. - Priory Records PR 112 (LP). - 1982.
  • Johann Gottfried Walther : Concerto Transcriptions / Gerald Gifford. - Meridian E 77051 (LP). - 1982.
  • Buxtehude Organ Music / Gerald Gifford. - Libra LRS 121 (LP). - 1981.

Source: Firma Frobenius & Sønner.
Source: Firma Frobenius & Sønner