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Volledige beschrijving geselecteerd orgel
Greencastle IN, USA (Indiana) - Arthur Carkeek Residence Organ
Gemeente: Greencastle IN
Streek:Putnam County

Beschrijving nr.: 2004108.

Gebouwd door: Taylor & Boody (1989) - opus 16

  • In 1989, Taylor & Boody built a residence organ for Arthur Carkeek (1923-2003) in Greencastle, Indiana. It is a two-manual organ with eight stops.
  • Arthur Carkeek was teacher organ and musical theory at DePauw University and organist in some local churches. He died on October 19, 2003, at the age of eighty years.

Technische gegevens
Aantal registers per werk
- Manual I5
- Manual II2
- Pedal1
Totaal aantal stemmen8
Toonhoogtea' = 440 Hz
Winddruk60 mm

Manual I (C-g'''): Principal 8', Gedackt 8', Principal 4', Nasat 3', Octave 2'.
Manual II (C-g'''): Gedackt 8' - transmissie, Rohrflöte 4'.
Pedal (C-f'): Subbass 16'.
Koppelingen: Manual I to Pedal, Manual II to Pedal.
Speelhulpen: Tremulant.