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Complete description of the selected organ
Woodstock - Blenheim Palace, Library Organ

Woodstock, United Kingdom (Oxfordshire) - Blenheim Palace, Library Organ
Municipal: Woodstock
Website: https://www.blenheimpalace.com/

Description nr.: 2003944.

Built by: firma Henry Willis & Sons (1891)

1891 firma Henry Willis & Sons  new organ
1931 M. Welte & Söhne  enlargement

In 1891 Willis supplied Blenheim Palace with an organ with four manuals and pedal, which could also be played by means of player rolls. This extension was installed in 1931 by Welte & Söhne. In a last revision a MIDI connection has been made with the possibility to save data.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Great Organ14
- Choir Organ8
- Swell Organ12
- Solo Organ6
- Pedal Organ10
Total number of stops50
Key actionPneumatic
Stop actionPneumatic
Windchest(s)Cone chests

Great Organ (C-a'''): Double Diapason 16', Open Diapason (no.1) 8', Open Diapason (no.2) 8', Claribel Flute 8', Quint 5 1/3', Principal 4', Flute 4', Quinte Octaviante 2 2/3', Super Octave 2', Piccolo 2', Mixture 3 ranks, Trombone 16', Tromba 8', Clarion 4'.
Choir Organ (C-a'''): Gamba 8', Hohlflöte 8', Dulciana 8', Flute Harmonique 4', Piccolo 2', Cor Anglais 16', Cor Anglais 8', Corno di Bassetto 8'.
Swell Organ (C-a'''): Contra Gamba 16', Geigen Principal 8', Lieblich Gedackt 8', Salicional 8', Vox Angelica 8', Gemshorn 4', Lieblich Flöte 4', Flageolet 2', Mixture 3 ranks, Vox Humana 8', Cornopean 8', Clarion 4', Tremulant.
Solo Organ (enclosed) (C-a'''): Claribel Flute 8', Gamba 8' - Unenclosed, Wald Flute 4', Clarinet 8', Orchestral Oboe 8', Tuba 8' - Unenclosed.
Pedal Organ (C-f'): Contra Violone 32', Open Diapason 16', Violone 16', Bourdon 16', Octave 8', Violoncello 8', Flute Bass 8', Mixture 3 ranks, Ophicleide 16', Clarion 8'.
Couplers: Choir to Great, Swell to Great, Solo to Great, Swell to Swell 16', Swell to Swell 4', Great to Pedal, Choir to Pedal, Swell to Pedal, Solo to Pedal.
Accessories: 4 gedeeld combinaties (per werk).

  • The organs in the Queen's College, Oxford and Blenheim Palace, Woodstock / D.G. Jones and J.P. Morgan. - In: The Berkshire Organist, No. 19, 1966.
  • Berühmte Orgeln : Meisterwerke europäischer Orgelbauer / Ursula und Ulrich Rüge. - Hamburg : Nikol Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 1994.
  • The organs of Oxford / Robert Pacey, Michael Popkin. - Oxford : Positif Press, 1997.
  • The 1891 Willis Organ at Blenheim Palace / Martin Souter. - Isis 022 (CD). - 1996.
  • The Finest Hour : First Digital Recording of the Organ at Blenheim Palace, Birthplace of sir Winston Churchill / Carlo Curley. - Proarte CDD 353 (CD). - 1987.
  • Organ Favourites from Blenheim Palace / Nicholas Danby. - EMI Columbia TWO 208 (LP). - 1968.