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Complete description of the selected organ
Source: Die Transvaler.

Source: Die Transvaler

Johannesburg, Republiek Zuid-Afrika (Gauteng) - City Hall - Grand Organ
Municipal: Stad Johannesburg Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit

Description nr.: 2003847.

Built by: Norman & Beard (1916) - opus 1368

1916 Norman & Beard1368 new organ
1972 firma Henry Willis & Sons  restoration

Het grote stadsorgel van Johannesburg werd in 1916 gebouwd door de britse firma Norman & Beard. Eind jaren zestig verkeerde het in slechte staat. Afbraak werd overwogen, maar uiteindelijk is het orgel in anderhalf jaar tijd door de firma Willis geheel herbouwd en gerestaureerd.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Great Organ18
- Choir Organ9
- Swell Organ15
- Solo Organ9
- Orchestral Organ17
- Bombarde Organ7
- Pedal Organ20 (6)
Total number of stops95 (81)
Key actionElectropneumatic
Stop actionElectropneumatic
Windchest(s)Cone chests

Great Organ (Manual II) (C-c''''): Sub Bordun 32' (TC), Gross Geigen 16', Contra Hohlflöte 16', Open Diapason Large 8', Open Diapason Medium 8', Open Diapason Small 8', Geigen 8', Claribel Flute 8', Stopped Diapason 8', Principal 4', Octave Geigen 4', Waldflöte 4' - Triangular, Twelfth 2 2/3', Fifteenth 2', Sesquialtera 2 ranks (5.10), Harmonics 4-5 ranks (, discant + 15), Tromba 8', Octave Tromba 4'.
Choir Organ (Manual I) (C-c''''): Contra Salicional 16', Bell Gamba 8', Spitzflöte 8', Waldflöte 8', Flauto Traverso 4', Gemshorn 4', Gemshorn 2', Dulciana Cornet 3 ranks (12.15.17), Cornopean 8', Tremulant.
Swell Organ (enclosed) (Manual III) (C-c''''): Contra Gamba 16', Open Diapason 8', Cor de Nuit 8', Gamba 8', Voix Celeste 8' (from F), Octave Gamba 4', Suabeflöte 4', Super Octave Gamba 2', Mixture 6 ranks (, Double Trumpet 16', Trumpet 8', Horn 8', Oboe 8', Vox Humana 8', Clarion 4', Tremulant.
Solo Organ (enclosed) (Manual IV) (C-c''''): Violoncello 8', Salicional 8', Vox Angelica 8' (from A), Harmonic Flute 8', Concert Flute 4', Harmonic Piccolo 2', Corno di Bassetto 16', Clarinet 8', Tuba 8', Tremulant.
Orchestral Organ (Floating) (C-c''''): Contra Viola 16', Quintaton 16', Viole 8', Viole Céleste 8' (2 ranks) (from F), Harmonic Claribel Flute 8', Zauberflöte 8', Unda Maris 8' (TC), Lieblich Gedeckt 8', Viole Octaviante 4', Orchestral Flute 4', Lieblich Flöte 4', Lieblich Piccolo 2', Viole Cornette 3 ranks (10.12.15), Cor Anglais 16', Orchestral Trumpet 8', Clarinet 8', Orchestral Hautboy 8', Carillon 8' (from g'), Glockenspiel 2' (F-c''), Tremulant.
Bombarde Organ (Floating) (C-c''''): Contra Trombone 32' (TC), Trombone 16', Harmonic Horn 8', Trompette Harmonique 8', Horn Quint 5 1/3', Clarion 4', Grande Fourniture 6-7 ranks (, discant + 8).
Pedal Organ (C-g'):
Unenclosed: Double Open Wood 32', Open Diapason 16', Great Bass Wood 16', Open Wood 16' - extension, Violone 16' - transmissie van Great, Contra Bass 16' - transmissie van Swell, Bordun 16' - transmissie van Great, String Bass 16' - transmissie van Orchestral, Contra Salicional 16' - transmissie van Choir, Principal 8' - extension, Octave 8' - extension, Flute Bass 8' - transmissie van Great, Super Octave 4', Harmonics 5 ranks (12.17.19.b21.22).
enclosed in Solo Swell Box: Contre Bombarde 32', Ophicleide 16' - extension, Trombone 16' - transmissie van Bombarde, Saxophone 16' - transmissie van Solo, Posaune 8' - extension, Harmonic Clarion 4' - extension.
Other stops: Bass Drum, Side Drum, Bass Drum Roll, Side Drumm Roll, Triangle.
Couplers: Great to Pedal, Choir to Pedal, Swell to Pedal, Solo to Pedal, Choir to Great, Swell to Great, Solo to Great, Orchestral to Great, Bombarde to Great, Swell to Choir, Solo to Choir, Orchestral to Choir, Bombarde to Choir, Solo to Swell, Bombarde to Swell, Swell to Swell 4', Orchestral to Solo, Bombarde to Solo, Solo to Solo 16', Solo to Solo 4', Orchestral to Orchestral 16', Orchestral to Orchestral 4', Orchestral Unison Off.
Accessories: Carillon Dampers.

Literature Dis little los vir die stadsorrel! / Paul Maree. - In: Die Transvaler, maandag 28 juli 1972.