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Foto: Pasi Organ Builders.

Foto: Pasi Organ Builders

Spokane, USA (Washington) - Saint Augustine Roman Catholic Church
Gemeente: Spokane
Streek:Spokane County
Adres: 428 West 19th Avenue, 99203, Spokane, WA
Website: https://staugustinespokane.com/

Beschrijving nr.: 2003089.

Gebouwd door: Pasi Organ Builders (1999) - opus 11

Technische gegevens
Aantal registers per werk
- Great12
- Swell12
- Pedal9 (6)
Totaal aantal stemmen33 (30)

Great (C-a'''): Praestant 16', Octave 8', Salicional 8', Rohrflöte 8', Octave 4', Spitzflöte 4', Quinte 3', Superoctave 2', Mixture 5 ranks (1 1/3'), Trumpet 16', Trumpet 8', Vox Humana 8'.
Swell (C-a'''): Gamba 8', Celeste 8' (TC), Bourdon 8', Principal 4', Traverse Flute 4', Nasard 3', Waldflöte 2', Tierce 1 3/5', Mixture 5 ranks (2'), Fagotto 16', Trompette 8', Oboe 8'.
Pedal (C-f'): Praestant 16' - from Great, Subbass 16', Octave 8' - from Great, Bourdon 8', Choralbass 4', Contra Trombone 32', Trombone 16', Trumpet 8' - from Great, Clarion 4'.
Koppelingen: Swell to Great, Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal.
Speelhulpen: Tremulant.

Links https://www.sjaorgans.org/pasi-opus-11